Big Balls + Small Brains = Excellent conditions for…
I’d argue just about anything, but in this case we’re talking about surfing. My good friend and personal surf guru said that I’m well on my way to becoming a surfer as I have the necessary ingredients… big balls and a small brain!
Now ... Views: 1867
In the practice of Qi Gong, an ancient method of health cultivation from China, you will often hear something similar to the following statement:
The body is like a vase that holds water to nourish the flower. If the vase is tipped over or broken, water will leak and the flower will wither. ... Views: 1973
Yin-Yang theory developed many thousands of years ago in China and has been a mainstay of Chinese thought and culture ever since. In a nutshell, Yin-Yang represents the duality of all things in the natural world. The theory can be used to describe and philosophize on everything since the Big ... Views: 1272
Did you know that the Common Cold and Flu is Chapter 1 in most Chinese Medical texts. In traditional China, it was the most common ailment and if not treated properly could easily become a serious problem. In Chinese Medicine we speak of two distinct types known as Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat. Wind ... Views: 1730