"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart." When Jalal al din Rumi wrote those words in thirteenth century Persia it is unlikely that he had any idea of the vast array of career and life choices available to a twenty-first century ... Views: 4556
This lifetime is only one epoch in the continuum of your existence. You have been a living consciousness since your beginning and you will continue to be a living consciousness for the rest of eternity. It is likely that you have had lifetimes on Earth before this one and that you will have ... Views: 3078
In part one we talked about the body mechanics involved in breathing. In this article we will talk about a subtler energetic aspect of qigong breathing. This is the part of your practice that makes qigong different from other physical exercises. Mindfulness. There is a saying in Chinese, "Yo yi ... Views: 1943
The Chinese character for qi is the same as the character used for breath. When we breathe air we are breathing qi. In English when we breathe in, we inspire or "take in the spirit." Many ancient health practices focus on breathing. It is how we sustain life from minute to minute. It continues ... Views: 2253
In as few as five minutes you can reduce your stress with an ancient method of relaxation called qigong (pronounced chee gong). Qigong has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Early practitioners found it to be useful for many different health problems. They also used it to increase ... Views: 1805
“I can control my blood pressure by breathing deeply.” “I can’t believe how much my mood lifts.” “My constipation is gone, after 20 years every thing is regular again!” “I feel a nice warm sensation in my abdomen.” “It’s so ... Views: 1363