While attending a local expo featuring “new age” products, I found myself in a reminiscing conversation…a “back in my day” rendition, while marveling at the incredible changes achieved by this alternative approach to life. Here we were, surrounded by multitudes of companies offering ... Views: 957
While attending a local expo featuring “new age” products, I found myself in a reminiscing conversation…a “back in my day” rendition, while marveling at the incredible changes achieved by this alternative approach to life. Here we were, surrounded by multitudes of companies offering ... Views: 936
Self Love is the key to success in every aspect of life. It creates the foundation for our every thought, word, deed and of course, it directly affects both our choices and their outcomes.
Make your actions create the reactions you want to experience by cherishing your spirit above all things ... Views: 4032
The benefits of meditation have long been recognized by both the religious and metaphysical sects of the world as a life-enhancing process that enables an alignment of the body/mind/spirit phenomenon. These many benefits include, but are not limited to: physical, mental and spiritual health, ... Views: 973
You’ve all seem them, those innocent pink ribbons…in fact, these days they seem to be everywhere don’t they? Yes, that’s because connected to them is a strangulating health crisis affecting almost every woman, man and child in this world. Unfortunately, so is a very large business that has been ... Views: 1440
I’ve always loved puzzles, and as an ‘aware’ adult, I especially love the complexity of an unraveling epiphany. It appears as one thing and then quickly reveals its inner beauty as each petal unfolds like a flower unfurling its bloom. I’m not sure where or when this one in particular began to ... Views: 923
The Law of Attraction made international news with the release of the book and DVD, The Secret, along with the offerings of numerous other authors and motivational speakers. Although these concepts appear to be a new phenomenon, they are in fact, ancient teachings and have been utilized for ... Views: 1006