Tired of spending your hard earned cash on things that aren’t making you feel any better? Wish there was an easy way to renew your health and vitality without taking extra time out of your already jam packed schedule? Would you like to have more energy to enjoy your life better?
Living life ... Views: 1076
Feeling toxic? Finish eating by 8pm so your natural cleansing cycles have a chance to operate instead of being suppressed by digesting food. To learn more read on ….
(approximately 90 seconds read time)
Have you ever heard of circadian rhythms? Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, 25th Edition, ... Views: 849
Now what’s that about!? … People who are fit make $1.42 more per hour than those who are not.
I read that in a recent issue of Money magazine. I was as stunned as you are perhaps. That difference of $1.42/hr adds up to an additional $56.80 per week and a whopping $2,953.60 per year considering ... Views: 839
Stress threatens your health and well being. I’ve read that 70% of North Americans suffer with stress related disorders. My patients tell me they think it’s more like 100%. Unrelenting stress wears down every system, organ, gland and tissue in your body. Your heart and blood vessels, your GI ... Views: 840