Does your life look the way you planned it? Most of us planned out in our minds from the time we were children on how we would like our life to look like, as we got older. We might've even mapped out a strategy of where we should be at a certain point in our lives. But unfortunately and ... Views: 1106
To Think or Not to Think that is the question?????
Thinking can be a good thing and a not such a good thing. Usually when we ought to think something over, we don't. The other kind of thinking is when something is in our best interest and we over think it and talk ourselves out of it, ... Views: 1019
To Think or Not to Think that is the question?????
Thinking can be a good thing and a not such a good thing. Usually when we ought to think something over, we don't. The other kind of thinking is when something is in our best interest and we over think it and talk ourselves out of it, i.e.: ... Views: 1028
A lot of people grew up being told who they were supposed to be by the adults around them (family, teachers, coaches or mentors). When these people told you this information YOU were obedient and YOU wanted to please them and above all YOU trusted them. You took their word and you over road your ... Views: 1056
Have you ever heard "DENIAL is not a river in Egypt." Well I have an even better one, Denial stands for: Don't Even Know I Am Lying.
It's hard to believe that denial would be classified as a feeling. I think Denial would be considered a numbing device, like Novocain for the ... Views: 4208
What CEO's DON'T Want You to Know.........
Their biggest fear! The answer may shock you. The number one reason: Getting found out that they aren't as competent as they'd like you to think; that their employees might find out they were flawed. In other words, THEY ARE NOT ENOUGH.
* Does ... Views: 1399
Why do we put things off? Believe it or not most people procrastinate because of anxiety. The list of defense mechanisms (otherwise known as excuses) is:
* Unprepared
* Waiting for the right time
* Feelings of inadequacy
* Not organized enough
* Waiting for ... Views: 1162
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If Not Now, When? - by Jodi Michele Cooley, Speaker, Workshop Leader, Coach, Radio Host, Author, Licensed Louise Hay Facilitator, and Creator of the "Feel It Thru Method"
If not now, when?
Are you one of these people who are waiting for the right time to take action in your life? Did you ever think you might be getting in the way of “you”? If you really dig deep the reason why you probably aren’t taking action is because of the dreaded “f” word…..FEAR. It’s ... Views: 1188
Everybody is given a bank account of 24 hours a day. The empowering idea is that we get to choose how we are going to spend that account. One of the best anecdotes for creating a great day starts the moment you wake up in the morning. One of the few things we do have control over is our ... Views: 1647
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I Grant You Permission to Feel - by Jodi Michele Cooley, Empowerment Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Creator of the "Feel It Thru" method
I Am Granting You Permission to Feel
By Jodi Michele Cooley
Jodi Michele Cooley Enterprises
Most of us were not granted permission to express and experience our feelings. I am on a mission to change this. As the creator of the Feel It Thru method, my intention is to transform lives by ... Views: 1383