Instead of reaching for an energy drink during your afternoon energy lull, take a relaxing breath and gaze at your Vitality Vision Board.
Studies by several Universities were recently covered by Journal of Environmental Psychology and Scientific American. In the studies, researchers were ... Views: 2920
When setting a formal table, there is often a grand and elaborate centerpiece. When creating a vision board, there should also be a grand centerpiece. That centerpiece should be YOU!
Yes, it is recommended by many, including Joyce Schwarz best-selling author of "The Vision Board: The Secret ... Views: 2863
Although not yet one of the most common herbs or supplements, elderberry is gaining popularity among American herbalists as an excellent supplement to ward off colds and flus. Elderberry, which is a common, shrubby tree, produces creamy flowers in early summer, followed by deep wine-colored ... Views: 1669
Fatty acids, essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, Linoleic acid (LA), Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) and prostaglandins. If these “buzz” words leave your head swimming you’re not alone. After the Food & Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization released a joint report ... Views: 1479
Although the gardener and lawnworker would be unhappy to see this plant sprout, the herbalist knows better! The milk thistle, when full grown, is a splendid plant. It can grow several feet tall and top off with a colorful purple-pink pompom-like bloom. However, its beauty is best observed ... Views: 2604
As we move into summer, the season of sunburn, insect bites, and various other scrapes and scratches, parents can take this opportunity to teach children the value of herbs and holistic healing. Aloe Vera is one of the best places to start.
From the healing aspect, aloe vera has been used ... Views: 2092