In a New York Times survey, it was determined that most people find jobs through networking. In fact, the greater majority find them this way.
Networking - 64%
Advertisements - 11%
Search Firms - 12%
Other - 9%
Internet - 4%
Are you doing everything you can to network and find the ... Views: 6107
When you are seeking an interview, you want to find the person who makes the hiring decision. The Human Resources office is NOT the place to call. They just do the paperwork. You want to find the person that will actually interview you. Don’t be too shy to call the company and ask who is the ... Views: 1134
You’ve read about so many famous people who didn’t tell the whole truth in their biographies. Maybe they weren’t REALLY the CEO of their company, or the “All-American” sports player. We’ve all heard of the doctors who really weren’t or the specialists who “bought” their degrees.” Maybe it has ... Views: 2041
Will a blog help you get a new job? YES! The reason for this is that a blog helps you to be found my recruiters and employers. When they find YOU, instead of you finding THEM, you have greatly increased your chances for a positive end result.
But what if you aren’t found through your blog? ... Views: 1241
What if a recruiter called you today? Would you be ready to jump on the opportunity she offers you? If not, you could lose the chance to better your career, as jobs go FAST in this competitive market. If you are going to be “Resume Ready” you have to keep your resume ... Views: 1267