As I write this, I think of how many dreamers and wishful thinkers we have in this jet age. Active in my thought now is the number of people trying to be who they are not created to be. I hope it’s not strange to you when children identify someone they want to be like in the future. Can you ... Views: 1363
I was walking down the street when I saw LIVE LIFE, LOVE LIFE boldly written on a lady’ shirt. I paused to think about the powerful statement when I saw it. I asked myself: Am I living and loving life?
Many are people who do not live in line with what the four words above are saying. We just ... Views: 1163
“Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered — either by themselves or by others.”
Unfortunately, most people have retired their creative mind from creative thinking – even youths. The reason for this is best known to them. People who do not engage in creative thinking may end up not ... Views: 997