This information was channeled by Rosemary DeTrolio January 24,2000
Soul in Balance
Align the planets, as balance of the chakras. When all are in balance, true energy flows through. The body replicates the greater mass. It is the mirror image of creation, the seed of God. ... Views: 1412
This passage from an angel reading I channeled for someone in 2009. I am reprinting it, since it has Universal information which was meant to be shared.
The most successful people, the most confident ones use intuitive ... Views: 1263
Divine Mission
By Rosemary DeTrolio
Under God's special dictionary, the definition says, "You will be called to do a mission. I will ask you to do strange and wonderful things, which you will be compelled to do for me. Of course, your family will think you are crazy. I did invent humor.”
I ... Views: 3525
This is one of my communications from 2000. I asked advice about my own journey.
As you can see, angel answers are about spiritual growth and our own free will impacts greatly upon our journey. Like you, I wanted to know the short cut answers, but was directed back to prayer, and the advice ... Views: 963
I have been communicating with the angels since 1997. The first thing people ask me is “How do you know it’s an angel?”
Since angels are created from the energy of God, they come to us with pure love. The feeling of their communications is pure love, and the words and wisdom is far greater ... Views: 969
I have been communicating with the angels since 1997. The first thing people ask me is “How do you know it’s an angel?” Since they are created from the energy of God, they come to us with pure love. The feeling of their communications is pure love, and the words and wisdom is far greater than I ... Views: 1125
Article: Synopsis of Manifestation and Positive Thought
Written by Rosemary DeTrolio
The Law of Attraction:
Manifestation is the word that describes how an event is energetically drawn to you. Both positive and negative thoughts hold remarkable energy. Did you ever notice that ... Views: 1027