Online therapy is relatively new and not yet fully accepted by everyone. When you browse articles on this topic, you generally find that the main issues center around privacy concerns, proposed regulation and the usual chatter from psychotherapists stuck in the Freudian era.
However, there ... Views: 1147
When we think about child abuse, our thoughts often stop at sexual abuse of minors. However, the term child abuse, often replaced by child maltreatment, has a broad spectrum of definition. The WHO defines it as follows :
"Child maltreatment, sometimes referred to as child abuse and neglect, ... Views: 1056
Nothing is perfect and that goes for relationships too. In the best of intimate relationships, there are those subtle and not so subtle signs that harmony is being disrupted. Some disagreements and discussions make sense and are in fact healthy; his words against hers, her values in the face of ... Views: 1276
The subject of suicide has been heavily covered in the news lately. Mainly due to the time of year where most people believe suicide numbers rise (though some studies suggest otherwise) but also due to the well publicised suicide of an ex-sportsman in England and a number of celebrities `coming ... Views: 2461
I can't quite remember where I heard it first but it has fascinated me for a long time. The quote went " You know you are getting old when you look in the mirror one day and find your parent looking at you". As time marches on, this gem becomes more and more relevant but looks are not the only ... Views: 1240