Many people often wonder what alcohol abuse is and what the signs of alcohol abuse are? While most people will find that they do drink a single drink every night, they will assume that this doesn't constitute abuse in any form. The truth of the matter is that there are different levels when it ... Views: 2156
Alcoholism and depression often go hand in hand and there is good reason for this as we will see later. Firstly, though we should take a look at some of the basic depression symptoms:
Eating disorder
Sleep disturbance
Decreased interest and pleasure in one's daily activities
Feelings of ... Views: 1478
Have you ever wondered if you or a loved one is an alcoholic? There are many different definitions and explanations of what alcoholism is and who can be classified as suffering this addiction. Many times these designations are chosen by the various treatment facilities, perhaps the best way to ... Views: 1631
A lot of conflicting emotions surface when you think you notice alcoholic behavior in someone you love. In fact, it is emotional when you realize that you may have a problem with alcohol yourself. It takes a big person to look in the mirror and honestly assess whether alcohol is becoming a ... Views: 3572
Check out this quick list of alcoholism facts.
I'm sure you'll be surprised at some of the items in this list.
Alcoholism cuts across gender, race, and nationality.
Learning about the disease and how to protect yourself from it is essential.
Here are the ten facts on alcoholism you ... Views: 1590
Are there causes of alcoholism other than the constant drinking itself?
If you haven't read anything about alcoholism, it is reasonable to assume that you think, just like many other people think, the only cause for alcoholism is the steady drinking over time, thus alcoholics can only blame ... Views: 1614
It is helpful to look at different alcoholism stages to better understand this disease. Alcoholism is a serious problem. In fact, it's actually considered to be a disease that includes multiple symptoms, including physical cravings, being physically dependent, tolerating alcohol, and losing ... Views: 884
Even with the many signs of alcohol abuse, many people never realize they really have a drinking problem. In fact, even those who don't drink every day may be abusing alcohol. Alcohol abuse increases your risk of alcoholism, which is basically an addiction to alcohol. Alcoholism is significantly ... Views: 806
The faster you can notice the first signs of alcoholism, the easier it can be to treat this problem and stop it before it gets worse. Alcoholism is not a problem that occurs overnight. It involves a pattern of behavior that continues to build over a period of time and often the alcoholic is ... Views: 887