What is it that makes knowledge timeless ? Is it that once we know something, we do not forget it ... or is it that wisdom of the ages settles into the very core of our being, enough so that it becomes part and parcel of who we are ?
One of my most favorite philosophers is Marcus Aurelius who ... Views: 2735
When we live in positivity, we generate positive vibrations that are picked up by others. Animals feel it, sensitive people really feel it, our co-workers feel it, family members feel it .. even the cashier at the gas station can feel it. It emanates from our being-ness like a starshine beacon ... Views: 1713
Relationships are about power. We give some, we take some -- that is the ideal recipe, eh?
Yet, so many of us give up our power to others in a relationship, sometimes out of fear of being alone, or fear of losing security (financial, emotional, sexual). Notice a pattern emerges. We ... Views: 17160
It is common to say that we are all on different levels of our spiritual evolution. In some spiritual organizations, our personal ascension is documented by initiations which keep us yearning and learning toward that next step ~~ something to look forward to, as it were.
Today's Positive ... Views: 1263
Not only do we exist within a multi-level field of energy, we are comprised of that same energy. Energy surrounds us -- electrical, magnetic, light, sound, spiritual, quantum ~ each with its own frequency, in-wave and out-wave .. .. .. how can we connect with these energies and enable ... Views: 1964
Hello and welcome to today'Positive Affirmation. We, each of us, have the power to alter our NOW, which in turn impacts our future, simply by establishing a positive train of thought. Today's affirmation is one of a series that will be presented to help improve our attitude and bring more joy ... Views: 2362