In a nutshell, we are beings of energy and light, souls, living within a physical body here on Mother Earth, here to fulfill our specific purpose, our piece of the puzzle as a soul, to create a better world for ourselves and all of life, ultimately to re-create the divine restoration of our ... Views: 1209
Did you know that every event from birth to the present is stored within your mind like a tape recorder and that those events make up who you are today?
10% of our mind is conscious, the events we remember and 90% is unconscious, the events we don’t remember.
All stored events create within ... Views: 1035
What the heck is up with our economy and world? Why all the crazy, stressful ways? What’s up with the major catastrophic earth changes? Why work ourselves silly just to survive?
It’s amazing when things seem so horrific how there’s always a blessing.
Well, that’s exactly what is happening ... Views: 1523
What the heck is up with our economy and world? Why all the crazy, stressful ways? What’s up with the major catastrophic earth changes? Why work ourselves silly just to survive?
It’s amazing when things seem so horrific how there’s always a blessing.
Well, that’s exactly what is happening ... Views: 953