What do I do when the man I’m in love with doesn't want to be with me?
You move on. If the man you are in love does not want to be with you the only thing to do is to get on with your life. One of two things will happen. He will realize what he is missing, get his act together and come back ... Views: 791
You can only place the blame for your failed or lack of relationships on other people for so long. There comes a point and time when you need to look in the mirror and figure out what it is about you that is contributing to the demise of your relationships. We love to point the finger and say ... Views: 1115
Being a single parent is hard work, especially if you are trying to be a good parent. I myself did not set out to be a single parent. I had every intention on being married before I had any children, but I put the cart be for the horse and here I am. I love my child to pieces and will do ... Views: 8652
Dating can be a very challenging sport. A lot of people find the whole idea of dating to be a trying and arduous task. Others enjoy the hunt and changing up partners every so often. Living in Cleveland for the majority of my life I have found that after so long you begin to exhaust your options. ... Views: 1030
I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you. I don’t believe that you get too many of those from your baby momma(s). I think you are more used to hearing about all that you aren’t, all that you don’t do, or just plain negative words steaming from a broken heart. I don’t want to add to all ... Views: 7388
Confession is good for the soul. It lifts that weight off your shoulders and gives you a sense of relief. So while you feel great about getting that secret off your chest; you’ve hurt someone else in the process. Usher laid all his cards out on the table in an entire album and made millions of ... Views: 6308