We are the angels we have been looking for. We are the source of love on this planet. We are the helpers of others who are here. We are the ones who answer each other’s prayers, really. The angels aren’t outside of ourselves. We are the incarnation of angels who have come here to dream the life ... Views: 3488
If someone told me I would be running an online metaphysics university with thousands of students all over the world earning Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. and D.D. degrees in metaphysical topics, I would have laughed. I was a traveling girl with a backpack, seeing the world on a shoestring, and I ... Views: 2695
A lot of people think they know what abundance is: having a lot of money, material possessions, fame, or some sort of power. However, I am not sure that is what abundance is. I have had a little of each of those things, but I can’t say I felt abundant in those moments. In fact, those were stress ... Views: 1668
Humanity is experiencing a quantum leap in its evolutionary growth. It has been experiencing this quantum leap for quite a while now, beginning with the age of technology. What is at hand now is a “quickening” of this growth, an awakening, a doorway to an expanded state of being. Humanity is ... Views: 2089
If you have fallen into the routine of life, or find it to be a chore, you have fallen asleep to the preciousness that every moment in life is. It is a great phenomena that we are all living in this physical reality, with a body, an identity, and we have people who we love and are connected ... Views: 3717
Did you know that Metaphysics is considered a “new emerging religion” by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) of the United States? Representatives of the IRS explain that they do not determine what a religion is or is not. As long as no crime is being committed, all religions are considered valid ... Views: 2876
Everyone is looking for “the one” who will be a partner for life. Some even feel that they are looking for a lost soul counterpart, their other half somewhere here on the earth like a needle in a haystack. Many believe that human beings are meant to mate for life. However, I am not so sure about ... Views: 4133
The idea of creating a community or a group of unified like minded folks is a great idea, but what happens when there is conflict? As long as there are individuals with different worldviews, there will be conflict. Lack of conflict resolution techniques has been the undoing of many communities ... Views: 2485
The New Age paradigm shift we’ve all been waiting for is already here. It is in the birthing process while the old paradigm is in the death process. Many call this the end times, or the end of the world, but I call it the new times, the new beginning. As the old ends, the new begins. Those who ... Views: 1515
Lucid dreaming is like a virtual reality movie set inside your head. Lucid dreaming is the act of realizing that you are dreaming while you are still in a dream. When you realize that you are dreaming, the sky is the limit on what you can do. Have you ever fantasized about being a brain surgeon? ... Views: 3321
A lot of people try to stay out of the mess, not wanting to get involved. Staying on the sidelines is no longer an option for those who are awakening, though. We are entering a huge, historical, mass event that is already unfolding in our reality. The paradigm shift, sometime around 2012 give or ... Views: 2033
There is a lot of ado about the movie The Secret. However, it has never been a secret! It has always been known. It is already built into your being. The Law of Attraction has always been in effect whether or not it has been named, just the same way gravity was operational long before it was ... Views: 2046
Did you ever notice how life seems to be dancing all around you, full of synchronistic events which bring realizations into your consciousness? Well, it is true that you are the focus! Life is in service to your awakening.
Synchronistic, coincidental events are not random. They are carefully ... Views: 1355
Gratitude is a cornerstone in the process of manifesting. The vibratory energy of gratefulness causes physical reality to produce more things which resonate with the gratefulness you are feeling, thus causing an even more powerful feeling of gratefulness. It keeps building and building, ... Views: 2671
I'm Christine Breese, founder and director of University of Metaphysical Sciences. Being a business person, I have been thinking a lot about the paradigm shift and we at University of Metaphysical Sciences have been taking the actions necessary to preserve the school through these coming ... Views: 1177
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*** Beginnings and Endings - by Christine Breese, Ph.D., The Official Guide to Enlightenment and Psychology
Endings are inevitable. There is nothing in physical reality that always stays the same. It is impossible. Some endings are wonderful and some are not so pretty, but they always mean the same thing—something new must be started. If endings are truly viewed as beginning, there is more happiness ... Views: 1325
You are not alone. We are all here together and all you have to do is reach out to others and they will be there for you. You'll have to make yourself available to others or you won't be able to have "right fellowship." Go to the spiritual circles in your area, go to events and gatherings where ... Views: 1503
Don’t Indulge In Fear, that’s the Juice for the Old Paradigm Engine
During these times of uncertainty, economy troubles, conspiracies that are coming to light, and the coming world changes that must happen in order for humanity to continue, it is challenging for many to stay out of the fear ... Views: 1281
You are not alone. We are all here together and all you have to do is reach out to others and they will be there for you. You'll have to make yourself available to others or you won't be able to have "right fellowship." Go to the spiritual circles in your area, go to events and gatherings where ... Views: 2555
Endings are inevitable. There is nothing in physical reality that always stays the same. It is impossible. Some endings are wonderful and some are not so pretty, but they always mean the same thing—something new must be started. If endings are truly viewed as beginning, there is more happiness ... Views: 1506