Sampoorna means complete, full. We are the spirit, Soul or Atman, which is Divinity or fullness itself. The Atman, which is also referred to as the Self, is functioning through the vehicles of body, senses, mind, intellect and ego to experience the world of objects, emotions and thoughts. The ... Views: 1522
You are a warrior.
Each person, by nature, is a warrior. Some people may not realize this but we are all fighting the battle of life every moment of every day. Most people are desperately fighting to win the battle against hunger and to provide for themselves and family, the basic needs of ... Views: 1171
Article Insight On Meditation
Student -
Can the state of meditation be reached only through the practice of Raja Yoga, while sitting down in an erect posture? Can it also be experienced through the practice of the different systems of Yoga, such as Hatha or Nada Yoga, while doing Asana, ... Views: 859
Wednesday Morning Feb 13th 2008
The 4 Noble Truths of Buddha and the 8 Fold Path
The whole of Buddha’s teaching is based on the 4 Noble Truths and the 8 fold path. The first is right view, which is to understand that there is only suffering in this world. It is just like Vedantic philosophy ... Views: 1832