When we are awake and alert, We have a predominance of beta rhythms and a few alpha rhythms within our neural patterns. Imagine a busy, but relatively uneventful work day.
When we invest in brainwave entrainment (BWE) programs, it's usually for purposes of relaxation. We invest in alpha and ... Views: 2068
Nature's Golden Ratio
Leonardo "Fibonacci" of Pisa revealed a numeric sequence in which each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 and so on. The sequence in turn gives rise to several unique ratios including .618, .382 and 1.618 (AKA The Phi ... Views: 3908
This method of dowsing and remote viewing (RV) uses Google Maps as a convenience tool for finding your target with further reconnaisance thereof.
From the perspective of this article, I assume that the reader already knows how to do remote viewing. If not, then here's a little help before you ... Views: 4979
Controlling the autonomic responses like heart rate is quite familiar to practitioners of Qigong.The difference between Qigong meditation and other types is that we utilise different kinds of "body breathing" techniques through the flesh and bones, especially when we induce proper "Qi" flow or ... Views: 9433
Why is this called the Sensory Resonance Method?We're using Burt Goldman's positive rhythm method to resonate with specific intense sensory imagery which we gain through cognitive psychology methods.Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology that investigates internal mental processes such ... Views: 2587
Some people have asked me how remote viewing is like Neigong Meditation. I want to show you how remote viewing is an extension of Neigong Meditation. Although there are esoteric meditations similar to Neigong, I have chosen Neigong to compare with remote viewing because I am a certified oriental ... Views: 3588
How to relax and focus instantly in any situation
Natural deep breathing opens your higher consciousness
Remain cool and calm in any crisis
Simple step by step guide
I've listened to a lot of people concerning meditation. First, let's recognize that there are all kinds of meditation. The ... Views: 5618
New School, Emotional Freedom (Shotgun) Techniques versus Old School, Chakra and Energy Meridian (Scholarly) Knowledge
The reason I'm an old school kind of guy is that I've seen old school ideas get rediscovered and rehashed for most of my life.
The new thought healing modality dubbed ... Views: 2835
New School, Emotional Freedom Techniques versus Old School, Kuji Kiri Mind Control of Ninjitsuryu
The reason I'm an old school kind of guy is that I've seen old school ideas get rediscovered and rehashed for most of my life.
The new thought healing modality dubbed "Emotional Freedom ... Views: 6308
The mind is like time is like the mind. Like time, the mind is not what it appears to be on the surface. In the mind, we can replay a situation from the past over and over. We can predict an event from our past experience and intuition.
We can even create situations in our minds that can ... Views: 1586