There are a lot of different reasons people want to learn meditation. Maybe you think meditation will help you relax and better handle stress. Perhaps you play a sport and your coach recommended meditation to improve your performance. Maybe you are focused on spiritual growth and believe that if ... Views: 1216
More than ever before, meditation is being researched by science. Because of advances in imaging technology, such as fMRI, or functional magnetic resonance imaging, we can now see much more than we used to about the inner workings of our brains. Since many scientists are baby boomers who grew ... Views: 1211
When you are searching for meditation techniques or want meditation instruction, whether you are looking for relaxation meditation or spiritual meditation techniques, if you are an advanced student or a beginner, if you are searching for anxiety relief or anything else...whatever reason you may ... Views: 1303
To some people, meditation means sitting in a dark cave on top of a mountain in a loin cloth, burning incense and chanting some foreign Sanskrit word while eating nothing but tree bark.
Other people define meditation as a state they experience while participating in an activity they are ... Views: 1398
One of the countries in which Buddhism has had a recent impact is Tibet. "Recent," in this case means, oh, about 1000 years ago, when Buddhism was brought to Tibet from India by Padmasambhava.
These days, Tibetan Buddhism is popular world-wide. The Dalai Lama has written many books, won a ... Views: 987
Would you like to learn Zen meditation?
If you do, then you have to make a decision: would you prefer to sit staring at a blank wall, or would you like to have an idea what other meditators in the room look like?
Actually, there’s another decision involved: do you want your progress ... Views: 2321
I recently read an Arizona Daily Star article about how Transcendental Meditation® is being taught in an alternative-minded school.
Now, since I teach meditation myself, you might expect I’d be happy about this, particularly since the article reports positive results.
If only it were so ... Views: 1101
Would you like to learn Zen meditation?
If you do, then you have to make a decision: would you prefer to sit staring at a blank wall, or would you like to have an idea what other meditators in the room look like?
Actually, there’s another decision involved: do you want your progress ... Views: 1207
I recently read an Arizona Daily Star article about how Transcendental Meditation® is being taught in an alternative-minded school.
Now, since I teach meditation myself, you might expect I’d be happy about this, particularly since the article reports positive results.
If only it were so ... Views: 1206
I’ve done somewhere in the neighborhood of forty Buddhist meditation retreats. While some only lasted a day or two, more than half involved ten to fifteen days of practicing Buddhist meditation for up to sixteen hours a day. Some were Tibetan meditation retreats. Some retreats were in the Zen ... Views: 2623
Have you found your perfect meditation cushion yet?
You know, a mediation cushion that lets you sit for hours at a time, staying focused and alert and concentrated, with no back pain or any numbness in your legs? The type of meditation cushion that gives you a straight spine with no effort at ... Views: 1559
Here is a daily meditation to play with…
I haven't ever heard anyone complain about the fact that their body feels, or their ears hear, or their nose smells or their eyes see. To put it another way, we don't usually complain or attempt to fix our senses when they are doing what they were ... Views: 992
You could say that yoga & meditation are two sides of a coin. They can be difficult to separate.
Doing both meditation and yoga isn't required, but they do go together well. They each can enhance your practice of the other. If you take meditation to your yoga mat, you may find more ease and ... Views: 1119
Alright, let’s talk about the "E-Word," one of those combinations of letters that carries almost as much baggage as the c-word or the n-word, depending, of course, on who you hang with and what country you call home.
People argue about this word; they criticize it; they make up stories about ... Views: 1868
One of my friends is a Tibetan Buddhist monk. He’s an actual Tibetan born in Tibet,
not an American who has converted to Tibetan Buddhism or learned Tibetan Buddhist meditation.
If you’re actively involved with some religious or spiritual tradition, I recommend getting to know a ... Views: 1674
Are meditation and prayers the same thing?
Some traditions use the words meditation and prayer interchangeably. You can find Jewish and Hindu and Catholic and Buddhist meditation practices that require the repetition or contemplation of a particular religious passage or concept.
To ... Views: 1385
After teaching meditation to thousands of people, when I ask what sorts of problems they encounter with their practice, I hear the same three answers again and again.
The problem I hear the most frequently is that people can't quiet their minds. They refer to having "monkey mind," or tell me, ... Views: 1258
I was eight years old when I first began meditating. No, I wasn't raised in a commune by hippie parents. I checked out a book on meditation from the school library and practiced the technique in the book. So began my thirty years of meditation practice.
Over the course of my meditation ... Views: 1424
First, a message to my readers who practice TM® (Transcendental Meditation®):
I am not taking any position for or against Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the TM® organization, TM® itself, or anything else related to TM®.
Now that we've taken care of that…
I do, however, have a position ... Views: 4757
Friends often talk to me about the hours they spend doing triathlons or running marathons, and usually I say that I can't imagine doing something I love for so many hours. So it surprises me to remember that I once spent three days chanting Hindu mantras, non-stop, at the top of my lungs. ... Views: 1226
I was over at my friend Dave’s house when I noticed he had a book called 8-Minute Meditation. I had to take look at it. Since I think meditation can be experienced instantly and this fellow says you can do it in eight minutes, I was curious to see what he’s up to.
In a nutshell, he was ... Views: 1053
Which is better: Zen meditation or Vipassana meditation?
I’m regularly asked this question because new students often have some friends who are into Zen meditation retreats and other friends suggesting they try Vipassana meditation retreats. Or they check the bookstore and discover that, in ... Views: 7944
Meditation is not going to help you.
Meditation will not make you more peaceful and calm. It’s not going to eliminate your stress. Meditation will not cure your disease. It’s not going to advance you spiritually. Meditation will not help you do better at your job or sport or hobby. Meditation ... Views: 1133
The New York subway used to be my meditation room. Somehow, the noise in the background of the subway served to drown out the noise in the background of my mind and made it much easier to concentrate.
When I was in grad school, as I rode from Greenwich Village to Columbia University, I could ... Views: 1112
One of my closest friends wrote me to say he planned to go on a mindfulness meditation retreat to find some relaxation.
I picked up the phone to suggest that he might want to reconsider that plan.
Now, I’d like to be clear about this. I have spent long periods of time at meditation ... Views: 1757
If you’d like to relax, take a mental vacation, gain some spiritual insight, or just clear your mind, a good way to do so is to meditate.
There are many different was to do meditation and there are even more methods to learn how to meditate.
Almost every religion has its own meditation ... Views: 1147
While not the first person to teach meditation in the West, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has been one of the more influential meditation teachers of our times. You probably recognize his photo even if you didn't recognize his name. And if his photo isn’t familiar to you, chances are good that you ... Views: 1387
If you’d like to relax, take a mental vacation, gain some spiritual insight, or just clear your mind, a good way to do so is to meditate.
There are many different was to do meditation and there are even more methods to learn how to meditate.
Almost every religion has its own meditation ... Views: 986
While not the first person to teach meditation in the West, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has been one of the more influential meditation teachers of our times. You probably recognize his photo even if you didn't recognize his name. And if his photo isn’t familiar to you, chances are good that you ... Views: 1288
Meditation classes you can take online are an amazing new development on the spiritual path. Previously in order to learn meditation, you’d need to travel - sometimes to the other side of the globe – in order to find a teacher. You’d need to spend weeks, sometimes months or even years with ... Views: 1171
Several decades ago, I listened to a talk given by a Western teacher who had become a monk in a Tibetan Buddhist tradition. In order to protect the possibly guilty, I’ll leave out his name. He described how, in the years since he’d become a monk and began formally practicing meditation, he had ... Views: 1582
There must be something wrong with the way I talk.
I decided this must be the case because when I say I teach meditation, people frequently say, "Oh, you do yoga?"
Meditation… yoga… I don’t think they sound like the same words – do you?
Many people, however, seem to think they are ... Views: 1080
Back when I started doing Buddhist meditation in the ‘70’s, it was hard to find any Buddhist books or Buddhist retreats or Buddhist meditation classes or any information of any kind at all that could help me learn a daily Buddhist meditation practice. If you started talking about the "Dalai ... Views: 1763
Is meditation meant to be a relaxation system? I wonder about that.
When I was eighteen, I was introduced to a famous American meditation teacher and we became friends. Through him, I met another American who had spent the prior six years in Thailand as a Buddhist monk. This former monk had ... Views: 1230
On one of the meditation courses I did, we sat for fourteen hours a day. During that time, there was one three-hour period when we were supposed to sit in the meditation hall on our meditation cushions without moving in any way. No scratching, no fidgeting, no itching, no twitching - no moving ... Views: 1354
Jason Shulman, a friend of mine and Kabbalistic healer, tells one of my very favorite stories about Zen meditation.
He had gone on sesshin, a Zen meditation retreat.
He was at a place in his daily meditation practice where he had come to believe that the goal of Zen meditation was to have ... Views: 3539
As I wrote the title of this post, “Meditation and Depression,” I found myself smiling at the concept that meditation could cause depression.
There’s no question that in the meditation groups I’ve participated in, meditation appeared to cause a depression in the ability to think critically ... Views: 1444
Not long ago, I did a web search for how to meditate. In each of the top twenty results were nearly identical basic instructions:
Find a quiet spot.
Choose the same time to meditate each day.
Sit upright with your back relaxed and your spine straight.
Avoid distractions.
… followed ... Views: 1095
Would learning to do meditation yoga techniques create more peace for your body-mind?
Yoga and meditation both demonstrate how the mind and body are interdependent. If you relax the body with yoga, the mind will get the hint, too. If you calm the mind with meditation, then the body can let ... Views: 1113
For people in the West, Zen Buddhist meditation can often seem mysterious and magical, as well as a bit confusing at times. If you take some time to look underneath the mythology around Zen, however, it can be much easier to comprehend.
I have to warn you, though, that discovering the ... Views: 1042
When we try to stop thoughts, we are playing a cerebral kind of "Whack-A-Mole."
It doesn't matter how many times you go after that mole, there are always more of them bursting out of various holes, over and over, faster and faster, not stopping.
But there are other possible ways to ... Views: 711
"How to Meditate"
In 1970, I saw this title on a small ad in the back of a comic book.
I could learn to meditate for just $1, the ad promised. “Secrets of ancient yogi masters revealed: achieve psychic powers, control the mind!” Learning to meditate like a monk through this step-by-step ... Views: 844
Want to learn how to teach meditation?
It’s simple.
You can turn yourself into a meditation teacher in less than five minutes by following these easy steps.
First, pick a simple meditation technique and practice describing how to do it. You don’t have to be able to do it yourself, ... Views: 979
It is easier than ever to get meditation instruction where you live.
You can find meditation classes in almost any American city. I’ve seen YMCA's in the middle of nowhere offer free meditation instruction. At one time, you could have listed all of America’s spiritual and meditation retreat ... Views: 770
“Meditation teachers should offer their instruction for free.”
About once a month, I get an email telling me that. Often, I hear this from people who have studied with meditation teachers in India or have visited ashrams where they weren’t asked for payment for classes they took. This gave ... Views: 863
Finding the right meditation supplies, especially the perfect meditation cushion, can feel lot like looking for the Holy Grail.
I started meditating in 1970 and since then, I've tried almost every kind of meditation cushion ever created. I've spent so much time on this I even tried to ... Views: 827
If you are looking into Buddhist meditation and you want to really go deeply into it, then the best way to do that is to go on a Buddhist meditation retreat.
You can find Buddhist meditation centers just about anywhere in the world. However, having completed over thirty meditation retreats, I ... Views: 1508
I've done more than twenty Vipassana meditation retreats. My first one was in 1983. I had been meditating for more than twelve years at that point, but I had never taken ten days to do nothing except meditate for fourteen hours a day.
Americans interested in practicing Vipassana are likely to ... Views: 2032
Those who are just starting out with meditation often try to create a daily meditation practice. People regularly ask me to talk about starting a daily practice in a similar tone to how people talk about losing weight or stopping smoking. The conversation sounds like there is some habit that ... Views: 1317
Here are some ideas on how to best prepare for your first meditation retreat:
1) Make sure details are handled before leaving. Pay your bills. Arrange for someone to check your messages and let them know where to reach you in case of emergency. Be sure someone will be checking on your pets ... Views: 951