Scams? With missing children?
You Bet! Its unfortunate but true. There are some scurrilous individuals around that play the “missing child” alert to scrape and steal email addresses for their spamming purposes.
Even child safety experts get side tracked by this.
The alert came ... Views: 1235
Does your teenager want to use the Internet to meet and communicate with new cyber-friends? Are they looking for others who share similar interests? To do this, they may want to go into online chat rooms.
Internet chat rooms are fun and a way to meet new friends. Its also easy to use and ... Views: 1394
Setting up internet safety rules, no matter how old your child is, can be a good step for your child when online.
Whether it's a school project, emailing friends or poking around a chat room, children on the Internet go many places. Internet safety rules for going those places and doing ... Views: 1515
Internet Safety? Is you child on the Internet? If they are, I hope you have internet safety rules already in place. If you do, how well is your child following them?
Your child following the rules you set up for them when they are online is as important as knowing basic Internet safety ... Views: 1304
Online safety protect your child from the violence, explicit language, pornography, sex, nudity, gambling, predators, viruses, spyware, and adware and WHEW! Anything else that might be out there!
These are some of the threats that your kids can encounter while on line. And since you can't ... Views: 1247
Limit Whining and Teach Better Communication
"I dooooon’t waaaaaaaaaant toooooooooo!"
It's irritating, it's frustrating and it gets on your nerves.
Though it's obnoxious, whining is actually a way your child gets your attention. And, like other habits, you can nip it in the bud early with ... Views: 1254
A good deal of safety, for both kids and adults, stems from the fact that you project self-confidence. Many victims, whether being one from a bully at school, the office intimidator or the mugger, project weakness in their personas. Having low self-esteem does not necessarily mean you will be ... Views: 1227
We know that sexual predators search for the child that they see as weak, sad and unhappy. It's the kid with the shuffling feet, head drooping and eyes fixed to the ground. It's the child that appears they are in need of a friend. The predator wants an easy target when the time is "right."
For ... Views: 1410
Fourth of July is upon us this week!
Just about all of us grow up watching the fireworks and parades after a day of family bar-b-ques, swimming and picnics. Here are a few safety reminders for you, your family and your children for a safe and happy holiday.
At the pool or lake, even for ... Views: 1130
We all know as parents that discussing and negotiating the rules with our children is never easy. When they were younger, “negotiating” was a series of ,”Please, Please Please, can we, Mom?” until we relented. As they grew into elementary age children their skills became more savvy in order to ... Views: 1233
Confident kids are safer kids. It’s common sense and no special safety secret. Kids who are confident are naturally less of a target for predators and criminals, even the bullies at school.
Confidence belies and underlying, subconscious message that says, “I’m not easy. I’m not going down.” ... Views: 710
As a parent, your child’s safety from sexual predators depends on you. Your know that, especially when they are young, you are always there to protect them.
As your child grows, they need to learn various safety techniques so they can begin to keep themselves safe. Even the youngest of children ... Views: 754
Today's world is a dangerous place. Today's dangerous world is very different than anything seen before. It's dangerous for adults. It is very dangerous for our precious children. This sad truth is a reality however, one that you must accept and deal with in order to keep your child safe from ... Views: 808
We’ve highlighted confidence, empowerment, positive praise (what we call ‘catch them being good’) and listening skills as four important elements in teaching your child to keep themselves safe.
“Repetition” is the fifth and final secret to teaching kids to keep ... Views: 681
There are 5 secrets we have learned that truly make kids safe. These Secrets set the foundation of real safety for a lifetime in children, and can do the same for your child. These secrets will also surprise you. They work quietly and effectively beneath the surface of your child’s brain. If ... Views: 675
The third secret to keeping your child safe and teaching them to keep themselves safe is, "Catch Them Being Good."
When your child makes a bad choice, it's important for you to stay calm about it. Yes, this is easier said then done. However, it is critical in your child’s ability to keep ... Views: 719
Empowering your child to take care of themselves is one of the most powerful Safety Secret we can offer you.
Empowerment means you teach them to make choices, good choices, for themselves. When you mentor them as a parent you actually guide them into learning to make good, positive choices for ... Views: 731
There are 5 Secrets we teach that truly make kids safe. These Secrets set the foundation of true safety for a lifetime in
children, and can do the same for your child.
We’re going to highlight these in our next few articles, so come back regularly!
These Secrets will also surprise you. They ... Views: 796
What on earth is a child safety expert doing on a self growth and personal improvement site? What does child safety have to do with personal improvement?
We know that confident kids have an advantage. We know that kids that stand a little taller, walk a little straighter with ... Views: 691