"Why It Can Take a Year to Get a Mammogram in the U.S" originally located at: http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/108717 is scary to me in a different way than it is intended to be. It talks about the complicated Western medicine model that has patients get misdiagnosed often enough ... Views: 2400
An article from Rodale Press which was copied to a Yahoo Group I subscribe to, is available for you to read via the following link:
http://www.rodale.com/doing-good-deeds?cm_mmc=DailyNewsNL-_-2010_05_12-_-Top5-_-NA - Please read it and then follow my response about its conclusion.
The ... Views: 5253
Yoga was and never has been in its history, only hatha stretches. So many of the Ancient Peoples from the all over the world stretched themselves like animals by observing and imitating them. They also sat and looked at the night sky contemplating the stars and moon. Spiritual leaders were ... Views: 1114
Do you follow the most popular trend of self-development? Do you switch from one popular teacher to another and never commit to one system? Majority religions, healing systems and such always receive more 'press' than those which are more hidden by virtue of their own choice or due to not using ... Views: 1688
“We are all human”, says an article I read in a local Yahoo Groups that is about strategies for the, "Sick Season". It basically has positive moments, but it tends to go toward a feeling that humans are trapped in dealing with germs as if they were muggers lurking around every corner. I propose ... Views: 1435
An article I saw in a Yoga e-zine Nov. 10th , ‘08
"Why It Can Take a Year to Get a Mammogram in the U.S. " originally located at: http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/108717 is scary to me in a different way than it is intended to be. Having come to the understandings of ... Views: 1358
By Raven Cohan
One great belief I share with my students is to come to classes even during times when one isn't at top level. (There certainly are exceptions to this advisory, such as during a total non-ambulatory state, or within some low times during chemo-therapy, and when being anywhere ... Views: 1261
Newcomers to classes are explorers who want to improve and protect their health. They have heard that Tai Chi and Chi Kung can be beneficial. They might or might not know that many of the exercises have been done for thousands of years. The Healing/Universal Tao of Mantak Chia and certified ... Views: 1370
Having studied with Mantak Chia since 1981, and being certified by him two years later to teach basics in qigong and going on to receive many more levels of certifications, I am obviously quite enamored with his system of teaching. It is no surprise that I would travel over 24 hours to Thailand ... Views: 3352