Archangel Jophiel also Zophiel
“Beauty of God”
Dispels doubts, brings wisdom and consciousness.
Messenger of the secrets of the heart.
Archangel Jophiel teaches us that all is learning and teaching until we understand the divine plan and reach our goal of uniting with the Creator.
Helps ... Views: 5409
Azrael brings comfort and love to those who are grieving or dying. Brings messages from loved ones in heaven & helps them to make contact.
helps to release and heal the pain of unforgivenes, guilt, anger and regret, so that we may find peace, and grow and ascend through the process.
Azrael is ... Views: 6930
Archangel Haniel helps us to connect with divine magic and powerful cycles of the moon.
Helps us to groom hidden talents and find true passions.
Helps us to appreciate ourselves and build self-worth honoring our cycles and moods
She is a nurturing mother able to care for you and create ... Views: 3863
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ESSENTIAL OIL OF VALERIAN - by Vivian Nadya Lunny, MD, MBBS *Medical Barchelor, Batchelor of Surgery, MDMA *Medical Doctor Medicina Alternativa,
Valeriana Officinalis is a member of the Valerianaceae family, which is grown mainly in Europe, Asia and North America.
The essential oil is extracted from the roots by steam distillation.
A base note oil with a. calming, soothing temperament, a strong, pungrnt, not very pleasant scent which ... Views: 2353
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AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF LUPUS - by Vivian Nadya Lunny, MD, MBBS *Medical Barchelor, Batchelor of Surgery, MDMA *Medical Doctor Medicina Alternativa,
My main endeavour with this article is to journey with you through some of the different aspects of Lupus, and, how aromatherapy may provide one of the keys to its management.
The relationship between the main biochemical constituents of essential oils and the psychological and physiological ... Views: 5761
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HEALTHY RETURN TO SCHOOL WITH AROMATICS - by Vivian Nadya Lunny, MD, MBBS *Medical Barchelor, Batchelor of Surgery, MDMA *Medical Doctor Medicina Alternativa,
As the new school year starts, it is also time to start thinking of the various minor ailments which are associated with this time, some helpful blends to have on hand are:
As children and students return to school, a number of annoying conditions start to appear, that can be easily taken ... Views: 2060
Enjoy your Summer Holidays and keep healthy by preventing and treating those minor ailments and inconveniences which so easily can spoil a well planned family break.
Although we are all aware of the dangers of sun bathing without adequate protection for our skin, if you, like me, enjoy laying ... Views: 4431
Enjoy your Summer Holidays and keep healthy by preventing and treating those minor ailments and inconveniences which so easily can spoil a well planned family break.
Although we are all aware of the dangers of sun bathing without adequate protection for our skin, if you, like me, enjoy laying ... Views: 1759
The term burnout was coined in1974 and refers to a kind of work related stress manifested by signs and symptoms thar arise in those people whose profession is linked to direct and continuous contact with other people and that help others, particularly health care professionals such as nurses, ... Views: 1883
One of the most common afflictions for those reaching a ripe old age, we all know as seniors, in our “modern, civilized western society” is becoming housebound and physically impaired.
This leads to loneliness, lack of self confidence and, as a consequience, to depression.
For the last two ... Views: 1262
One of the most common afflictions for those reaching a ripe old age, we all know as seniors, in our “modern, civilized western society” is becoming housebound and physically impaired.
This leads to loneliness, lack of self confidence and, as a consequience, to depression.
For the last two ... Views: 1633
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AROMAGEMS HEAlLLING - by Vivian Nadya Lunny, MD, MBBS *Medical Barchelor, Batchelor of Surgery, MDMA *Medical Doctor Medicina Alternativa, Blog Blog Email: Twitter!/aromadoctor Facebook page:!/doctorvivian Aguila del Norte Author of: Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy for the Birthing Year, Crystal Healing Crystal Zodiac e books Aromatherapy and Colour Healing Sections of the Reader’s Digest Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Doctor Vivian has been Speaking at International Conferences of Aromatherapy Worldwide since 1992, teaching Aromatherapy Professional Certification Courses in Europe, the Americas, Middle East, Asia and Australia since the early 90’s. She is currently based in British Columbia, Canada. Consultant to the Aromatherapy Industry since the early nineties, a founder member of the Aromatherapy Organizations Council and the International Federation of Aromatherapists UK and the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy NAHA U.S. For more information on all aspects of aromagems, subtle and clinical aromatherapy, consultations, treatments and courses, please contact Doctor Vivian at, or visit her webpage at: or
Aroma-gems was developed from very ancient healing modalities, in modern day terms it is a therapy which integrates the healing vibrational energies of crystals, colours and aromatic essences to prevent dis-ease, enhance well being at a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional level, which ... Views: 1516