When we think about conflict in the workplace, we often think of an obvious personality clash between two people which everyone is aware of and they try to avoid like the plague. In effect, it is an overt conflict and, if we think about it, this type of conflict is quite extreme and, relatively ... Views: 1747
Values is a much referenced idea but what exactly are values and what difference does understanding them make to someone's life? While there are many definitions of values, I use the following: Personal values are an internal set of standards that each of us expects ourselves, and others, to ... Views: 6372
Leadership, or the lack thereof, has been receiving a lot of attention over the last few years but, let’s face it, it’s a fairly woolly topic. There are as many definitions of leadership as there are people. Personally, I define leadership as the ability to look forward and clearly see the ... Views: 2296
While recently delivering a module on leadership development, several participants suggested that charisma is high up on the list of important qualities for a leader. Research, however, would indicate that many effective leaders are humble, to the point that charisma is the last word used to ... Views: 1398