To really understand ThetaHealing™ the best way is to read the books; ThetaHealing™ & Advanced ThetaHealing™ All That Is or even take a class.
The Main thing to know about ThetaHealing™ is it is a technique that teaches you to connect to the Creator; the spirit that intertwines and binds all ... Views: 1109
ThetaHealing is a holistic healing technique which directly addresses your subconscious mind to fix the "bugs in your software", therefore allowing miraculous instant healings and profound life changes. Whether you seek to transform your health, your finances, your relationships or your ... Views: 1388
ThetaHealing™ is one of the most profound, versatile, effective, and life-changing forms of healing that I’ve ever encountered! In basic terms, it consists of the practitioner going into a particular meditative state (Theta) and channeling healing energy to the client.
ThetaHealing is often ... Views: 1414