Have you ever gone on a trip and discovered once you’ve arrived at your destination, that you forgot to pack a much-needed item from home? And sure enough, when you return home, you find it’s exactly where you put it - out on the kitchen counter in plain sight so you wouldn’t forget to pack it! ... Views: 9456
Do you know anyone who has already traveled to your destination? If not, put the word out to your friends and family asking if they know anyone who has.
When you find someone who has been where you’re going, contact them. Call them, email them, or take them out for coffee or lunch. Ask tons ... Views: 1614
“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Short on money? Wondering how you’re ever going to be able to take your “dream trip?” One way to get closer to your goal is to create a “trip fund.”
Dreams are SO ... Views: 1203