Throughout discussions about our articles, books, lectures and media interviews, we are constantly asked about how much soy Americans are consuming every day. It is as if we have opened a locked door to an industry secret that no one seems to know about or are just in denial regarding the ... Views: 1946
So many people ask why the FDA does not protect us more. Others ask us how the FDA works. The FDA is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which itself is part of the Executive branch of the United States government. The FDA processes more than $1 trillion worth of ... Views: 1246
The Corn Refiners Association (CRA) is the sugar industries’ bad penny. You know – the one that never goes away. Much like the proverbial bad penny, the CRA just keeps popping up. This time with its incessant barrage of “sugar is sugar” ads in the media. The millions spent on these ads could ... Views: 1409
Foods containing barley, either as a recipe ingredient or used in the processing of packaged foods, have been touted by many for their nutritional benefits. While writing a companion blog containing Ashley’s “killer” recipe for organic beef barley soup, we found so much interesting information ... Views: 2029
Even though the health benefits of beef barley soup containing onions, carrots and celery are well known, there can be even more nutrition in those little grains of barley then one would expect. Unless the beef barley soup is organic, it does not contain the same ingredients as your grandmother ... Views: 2676
We believe that factory farmed livestock fed on Monsanto genetically modified corn, “shot up” on antibiotics, whether they need them or not, and fed synthetic growth hormones is a major contributor to weight gain, obesity illness and disease. There are more than 65 scientific studies that ... Views: 2457
This is a low-fat, sugar and salt-free grilled meal that reduces the exposure to gluten in breads, synthetic addictive chemicals and factory farmed meats. The recipe will provide left-over bacon, tortillas, onions and condiments to be used for other meals.
Total Cooking Time: 30 minutes (the ... Views: 1526
Since neither the FDA nor the food industry is motivated to provide consumers with clear definitions of the difference between hamburger and ground beef or provide adequate information on the contents permitted in the preparation of ground meat and hamburgers, we feel compelled to offer the ... Views: 2427
Chocoholics have finally been matched or overtaken by Soyaholics – people who look for soy in every product and sprinkle it over any products that do not contain any. Women eat soy like it is the Holy Grail of food. It has become America's favorite “health” food.
Nothing could please the soy ... Views: 1265
Our ice cream recipes are all organic and contain about one-third of the amount of sugar of commercial ice creams sold in the stores. There is no high fructose corn syrup, corn solids, MSG, Maltodextrin, salt nor any other addictive and fattening chemicals.
Because the recipes contain only ... Views: 1582
Like so many others in my generation, my mother made ice cream at home from her own recipes often employing my brothers and me to turn the crank on a hot summer day. When Baskin Robbins was founded in Burbank not far from our home, my mother was so impressed with their organic ice creams that ... Views: 3728
We recommend organic ingredients whenever possible to reduce salt, fat, cholesterol, MSG and avoid the consequences of factory farmed meats including the use of growth hormones, excessive antibiotics and pesticide residues and other dangerous chemical contents such as ammonia.
Organic ... Views: 2270
Depending on the source, between 75 and 80% of our bodies are made up of water. Sodium is one of the 30 essential elements in your body. It is present in the cells and tissues of your body even though sodium comprises only 0.15% of the fluids in your body. Yet it is essential to regulate your ... Views: 2155
A September 16, 2010 conducted by Cell Host & Microbe, Harvard School of Public Health (“HSPH”) researchers found that “certain bacteria that inhabit the intestines provides the environmental trigger that initiates and perpetuates chronic intestinal inflammation in individuals who are ... Views: 3706
Enviropig is the trademark for a genetically modified line of Yorkshire pigs, first created in 1999, with the capability to digest plant phosphorus more efficiently than ordinary unmodified pigs. They are considered "greener", emitting a smaller quantity of pollutants in their manure. Thus, ... Views: 2950
The FDA is on the verge of final approval of genetically modified transgenetic Franken-Salmon. This will be the first of a new line of Frankenfish that mirrors the beginning of changing every fish in the ocean to an industrial-made, intellectually property-owned profit center for the biotech ... Views: 2489
Crohn's Disease is a chronic and serious inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn's involves all layers of the intestine where healthy sections of bowel exist between patches of diseased bowel. Crohn's includes colitis and diverticulitis.
Crohn's is categorized, along with ... Views: 2363
Did you see the 20-second Doritos commercial in the first quarter of the Super Bowl? If so, you were among the 111 million viewers who did. It depicted a guy eating Doritos at this desk while another crazed-looking worker looked over his shoulder. The crazed-guy says, “Are you going to finish ... Views: 4077
Throughout our books, we constantly point out how the Bush administration catered to Monsanto and other Big Food companies. For example, the reason for pushing GMO foods was advanced on behalf of the biotech industry when President George W. Bush in a 2003 speech asked the World Trade ... Views: 3285
American obesity rates are the highest in the world. Sixty-eight percent of adults are categorized as overweight, one-third of them are diagnosed as clinically obese. There are nearly 7 million overweight and obese children in the U.S. today. Childhood obesity statistics show that obese children ... Views: 2136