It is very easy to thank God
When things are going your way
The car is in good condition
And the spouse or children are okay
When the sun is bright and shining
The rain cools off a hot day
When someone politely greets you
An unexpected blessing comes your way
Is it only on bright sunny ... Views: 2364
Now that I have your attention, allow me to explain why I know, beyond any reasonable doubt, that our choices and decisions either make or break our true destiny and purpose in God. If you are not where you want to be, there is still hope for you. My purpose is to exhort women leaders and others ... Views: 1864
I have spent an entire life time reading and listening to books and tapes to improve my life. Self-Help had become a lifestyle since childhood. Abuse had left me confused and traumatized. Although I knew what to do; I was not able to convert the information into practical steps of ... Views: 1355