Dear Bully,
What makes you think you can treat other people the way that you do?
What inside you tells you it is OK to ridicule, push around and threaten those that cross your path?
What do you gain from it? Do you really get that? Or are you fooling yourself?
I want to tell you ... Views: 1494
I do Bikram Yoga. It’s also called “hot yoga”. It is called that because the class is conducted in a room that is heated to about 105 degrees. However, depending on the number of bodies in the class, and the time of day, the room can even be hotter. Bikram Yoga is one of my favorite things ... Views: 1236
Albert Einstein said that the most important question we will ever ask ourselves is this: “Is this a friendly universe?”
I love Einstein! He was a genius. (Actually, he really was a genius!) I also love that question. It helps me put things into perspective. There are so many things that ... Views: 1194