Let us understand what Candida is first before we try to understand how it impacts the sexual function in men. Candida is the genus of Yeast and many species of this genus are found to be living in animal bodies, including that of the human. While most of these are beneficial to the host body, ... Views: 1866
As the planet progresses in age, there is a huge inclination towards artificial things. Our bodies can be at their best when they are in equilibrium with a balanced environment. As time progresses, our environmental balance gets more and more lopsided. Electron deficiency has been adding to the ... Views: 1456
There has been a great deal of coverage in the media about how people need to be mindful of the amount of fat they consume in their diets. This has lead to a number of diets that are focused on severely restricting the fats that people eat. In some cases, fats are almost totally eliminated in ... Views: 3099
32 possibilities how dentistry can make you sick. Unless we have tooth extractions we would have 32 teeth in our mouth by the time we mature.
While there has long been a known link between the dangers of mercury ingestion and health complications such as Acrodynia and Minamata disease, ... Views: 2059
Mercury represents a highly toxic natural element that can be found in the ground and water as well as being airborne. The material is well-known for being extremely harmful to the body, causing a number of effects ranging from birth defects to outright blood poisoning, depending on the amount ... Views: 2731
Cholesterol is a type of fat found in a wide range of animal products, from cheese and eggs to steak, shellfish and poultry. For years the medical establishment and most consumers have regarded this substance as dangerous and potentially deadly, but the truth is significantly more complex. ... Views: 1962
Being a male it is important that you feel comfortable and happy with what your penis can do. However the society has been influencing many males that the way their penis should look like and should function that this has become an unhealthy competition.
Too often many males allow ... Views: 2203
Snoring and Sleep Apnoea are symptoms and are warning signs from your body that a number of things have gone wrong in your biochemistry.
When I remarried 23 years ago, how little did I know that my husband would present me with the gift of exploring what is REALLY happening in the body when ... Views: 3625
A human bowel houses more than 400 different kinds of bacteria weighing around 1.5 kilos. Around 30% of the mass of a stool is made up of these bacteria. Most of the bacteria present in the bowel are harmful and disease causing but there are a few bacteria that are beneficial to our body. Those ... Views: 2382
Let us face it; we all undergo experience that leads us to what we call "pain." We know it as both a physical and a psychological manifestation of wounds and hurts that we either learn to manage or learn to let manage us. Many times, pain in both a physical and a mental sense is a residue of ... Views: 2363
For those males who have what are called risk factors for cardiovascular problems or illnesses (these are issues involving the heart and its arteries) it can be very important to understand why something like erectile dysfunction will also be -- for the most part -- linked to something called ... Views: 1515
Iron and clinical depression
It is an established fact that iron is very essential for neurological functions and development. Iron deficiency is very prevalent all over the world. This deficiency can lead to depressed neurotransmitter response, leading to clinical depression. When iron is ... Views: 2659
Fats are the most valuable food known to man.
They serve 4 purposes in the diet.
Fats contain the most energy as well as important nutrients such as the important essential fatty acids, sterols and the vitamins your body needs every day.
They are required for prostaglandin and hormone ... Views: 2029
If ever there were two issues that were high up on a man's list of the medical problems that he never wants to experience, probably the two uppermost in his mind are diseases related to the heart and its blood vessels and the inability to attain and then maintain an erection. That is why looking ... Views: 1683
There are so many weight loss programs around that is it not surprising that people get confused. It is confusing based upon all the advertising that shows up everywhere and in most cases has nothing to do with providing you with healthy weight loss.
Is advertising working and what are we ... Views: 1877
The 7 factors you need to consider before you choose a Health and Life Style Coach
Download this free pdf for the answers.
1. Learning to listen to your body. It is amazing on how our bodies give us message all the time. The other day I was working with a young women and she had some major ... Views: 2177
Of all the systems in your body, your digestive system is the most important. Why? Because your digestive system helps pass nutrients and the energy that you get from food into your body. If your digestive system doesn’t function properly, you do not get the nutrients you need to survive and ... Views: 2277
Being a male it is important that you feel comfortable and happy with what your penis can do. However the society has been influencing many males that the way their penis should look like and should function that this has become an unhealthy competition.
Too often many males allow themselves ... Views: 4997
There are so many weight loss programs around that is it not surprising that people get confused. It is confusing based upon all the advertising that shows up everywhere and in most cases has nothing to do with providing you with healthy weight loss.
Is advertising working and what are we ... Views: 4386
1. The first thing you need to understand is that your penis is a muscle. So when you would have a problem with your muscles then this will also impact your penis size.
2. For Example people with sleep apnea they have developed over time connective tissue breakdown and a few other issues, ... Views: 7474
Being diagnosed with cancer is a fear that many people have. There are a number of different cancers out there and as a person gets older, they are more vulnerable to them. When it comes to cancer, there are many causes and reasons why someone contracts a cancer. There are some people who ... Views: 4428
Our society today has advanced so far that we now find ourselves with an excess of wealth, in relative terms, that means we generally can indulge our appetites for the finest foods or even tons of fast food that grandparents or even our parents were not able to access. Additionally, new ... Views: 3752
Many men and women at some point during the course of their lives begin to experience signs and symptoms that reveal to medical professionals the possibility they are suffering from one of two different forms of thyroid disease. These forms are known in medical terms as hyperthyroidism and ... Views: 3092
The issue of pain as it exists within in our minds – either consciously or subconsciously – and in our body seems to be a fact of our existences as thinking, feeling and living creatures on this physical plane of existence. It is one of the objective conditions which tend to define us as human ... Views: 3188
Truth be told, most men wouldn’t naturally associate cardiovascular issues or issues having to do with the heart and its arteries and veins to issues having to do with erectile dysfunction, which is otherwise known as the inability of attaining or maintain penile erection, but the two – in fact ... Views: 2826
Quite often, people have been raised to think of their brain as a single -- or at most, two sided -- organ. In one sense, this is correct but in many other senses it isn't. Through millions and millions of years of evolution our brains have developed into wondrous machines that not only are more ... Views: 3179
For generations we have been told that cholesterol was bad for us. This concept is based on a theory that came into being in the 1850’s when a researcher called Rudolph Virchow formulated a theory connecting cholesterol to atherosclerosis. From there is has gone from strength to strength, based ... Views: 2852
For many decades a great fraud has been perpetrated on the people of this country. It’s not a political, industrial or military one. It involves no secrets and is not related to national security. Rather it is a fraud that is being done by the continuance of a medical myth. What is worse is that ... Views: 2998
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***Dangers of Mercury in your Mouth - by Dr. Eric Davies - Reprinted with Permission by Helena Ederveen, the Official Guide to Health Education
Named after the Greek mythological fleet-footed messenger of gods, Mercury is an element of nature, but behaves just the opposite. It is rather slow- a slow poison. Despite the fact that mercury is not at all required by the body, it has been found in alarming proportion in human beings. This is ... Views: 3391
Most people are brought up with an unhealthy attitude towards sex. The very thought of sex beyond 60 raises eyebrows. Enjoying a healthy sexual relationship beyond the age of 60, takes more than a physical desire. One has to undo all the taboos placed by traditional thinking and realize that sex ... Views: 8046
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***Iodine Skin Test - by Helena Ederveen, the Official Guide to Health Education
The human body depends on Iodine for many of its vital functions. Iodine is the 62nd abundant element on earth and can rarely be found in its free form. In humans, it is the main component of the thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is situated in the neck and ranks ... Views: 14915
One of the most common disorders that people complain of is that of the thyroid. Either they could have an undeveloped or an underdeveloped thyroid gland. And there are others whose thyroid glands produce a lot more of the hormone than necessary making the person hyperactive or restless. Thyroid ... Views: 12802
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***Brain Rejuvenation - by Helena G. Ederveen, the Official Guide to Health Education
The idea of brain transplants have long been the staple of pulp science fiction. Leaving aside for the moment the spiritual questions of the soul and the heart (i.e. emotions) there are two basic parts of our existence – the mind and the body.
Medical science has made huge strides in curing ... Views: 4945
Emotions are very complex experiences connected to our mental, physical, and spiritual makeup. Though we generally consider these properties to be one, they are essentially three different parts of our being and are generally responsible for the day-to-day challenges most of us face.
If we ... Views: 2397
Most of us have good general knowledge about vitamins and fats and how they affect our health. The very mention of amino acids generates a kind-of apathetic attitude, since amino acids sound too technical and difficult to understand. Although you might have heard about amino acids, how they ... Views: 3981
Discussing Body Iron is difficult and no single indicator or combination of indicators is ideal for the assessment of iron status in all clinical circumstances.
Each indicator may be affected by a variety of conditions including infection, inflammation.
Liver disease and malignancy, ... Views: 3353
Life Style Coaching is a powerful approach in assisting you in changing direction and implementing behaviour changes which will produce new outcomes.
Exhausted and depressed all the time? Life Style Coaching can provide you with the answers on How to overcome this.
Frustrated and feeling ... Views: 2616