“I know that I’ve lived here before.
I know that I’ve danced here before.
I know that I’ve sang,
And I know that I’ve loved here,
I know that I’ve died here before.”
Deju vu? Past-life? Or just a fantasy? Each of us is a Time Traveler. If it comes ... Views: 1642
Traditionally there are 56 minor arcana cards -- the Ace through Ten, plus the four Helper Cards. Esoterically, 56 was known as the god number, the masculine energy, the active energy, the force of the creation principal.
The 56 is the vibration of the natal number of the Celtic sun god, who ... Views: 3460
We dream during both day and night. Each dreamscape takes on different characteristics. Day dreams hold the misty essence of revelry, a trance state that captures our minds and attention, whisking us away to some unseen reality that feeds our next conscious action whether we realize it or not. ... Views: 2377
In spiritual apprenticeships, one of the things that a novice might commonly hear a teacher say is “whatever you thin you know now, whatever you think it is now…fine. But, wait until a year from now, when you come back to this position with a full cycle of experience, because what ... Views: 1765
The teachings found in the Element Cards, the minor arcana—Ace to 10 only—focus on the lessons experienced in mundane or every day life. These lessons are presented as a “spirit walk.” As the spirit walk begins, we are standing at the foot of Tarot Holy Mountain. Each ... Views: 2537
Many people have asked, "I'd like to buy some tarot cards but I've been told that they have to be given to me as a gift. Is that true?" No, not really. In some circles, there used to be a tradition that one should receive a first deck as a gift. The tradition was started a long time ago when ... Views: 3309
Perhaps you purchased a deck of tarot cards for yourself, or maybe someone else gave them to you. Regardless of how you came by them, they are now in your hands. Now what? What do you do with them? Is there a ritual you’re supposed to perform before using them? Are you supposed to get a ... Views: 7289
Having just joined forces with SpiritGrowth.com as the Tarot Expert for the next year, it is my great pleasure to begin sharing with you tarot insights and guidance into how to better use this transformation tool for your own conscious development and growth. While I will often mention my own ... Views: 2519
In the sky, a big, fat Moon looms; her light dripping down upon a clearing in the forest. In the center of the clearing a fire blazes in a stone pit, and around this pit, dancing wildly to the rhythm of drums, are people wearing masks.
The room fills with the fragrant smoke of incense ... Views: 5350
We have often heard that women are somehow intrinsically closer to nature and all of its attendant nurturing abilities -- that women are linked to a dark, mysterious, life-giving nature, but rather than embrace and affirm and celebrate the coalition, women have been taught to (and often do) ... Views: 2066
An open grass plain stretches as far as the eye can see. It is a beautiful plain, warm, comforting, golden. To the north of the plain rises a great lone mountain. A spiritual mountain, its very top peak disappearing in the clouds that crowns it. In the south, not too far away, is a small lyrical ... Views: 2456