How can you overcome fear, to overcoming fear and become fearless?
Well, let us begin by going through this simple exercise. Now, name me the most scariest ghost movie you have watched; the one that has greatly frightened you, haunting you with scary images and imagination after watching it. ... Views: 1625
A knowledgeable man and a Wise man, what is the difference between the both? This is a very simple question to be answering, isn’t it? But still, there is many variations to how it could be answered; some can answer it with just one simple sentence while some could actually go on with ... Views: 1183
Everyone is bound to experience unhappiness in his or her life. I am sure you have had some unpleasant memories too, perhaps some which are of real painful ones? Well, forget the past and move on and let time heal your pain, a lot would advise you. But if I were to just ask, I am sure you can ... Views: 16781
“Excuse me, please know your limits” Now, I am sure you wouldn’t find that a nice statement to be getting? Or has someone actually used the above remark on you before?
Yes. There is definitely a limit to things and a limit to what you can do.
But the question here is have ... Views: 1344
To simply explain, it is your life journey. Some may choose to call it fate though. But does it really matter? Be it fate or destiny, what matter is that these are the events you are going to meet in life; how you are going to confront these challenges in your journey of life.
And just how to ... Views: 3226
Life is always about choices. You are here now because you made the choice to be here. And now that you actually are reading this, it is again because you choose to do so.
You may not have realized this. But in your life, you have already been through thousands and thousands of choices. Think ... Views: 1693
Feeling unhappy over yourself? Hating yourself for who you are?
Why must you be feeling so? To just be very straight with you, this is the act of a fool.
Now, even if the whole world is going to look down on you, you should never look down on yourself. The more they are going to look down on ... Views: 1447
Have you been true to yourself? Have you being following your heart, believing in yourself; trusting your very own belief? Or has this thought never even occurred to you before?
Now that you are reading this, give yourself this chance and ask yourself. Be true and honestly answer the ... Views: 1630
Let me ask you this question (it may sound silly to you though) Now, do you think you can be a killer?
Feeling hesitant to answer? Perhaps let me answer it for you. Yes, you are definitely capable of becoming one. Each and every one of us has the potential to be a killer.
Let’s picture ... Views: 1755
What you have just read, that is the past. What you are reading now, that is the present and what you are going to be reading Next, that is going to be the future.
And what am I going to write next? You will never know until you read on. Are you interested to read on and find out?
It is just ... Views: 1220
"Qi" is the life-force energy that permeates the earth we reside in. It is the energy that brings life to all beings. By the law of nature, "Qi" is carried and dispersed by the wind and preserved in the water. Though it cannot be seen or heard, it is always around and surrounding us in this ... Views: 1040
Every minute every second, this world is constantly in move. Time is never going to come to a stop. The sun will eventually set today but rise again tomorrow and this will go on and on forever. This is the law of Nature.
Similarly, no matter how big a problem you are facing now, there is no ... Views: 921
All things that exist on Earth revolve around the principle of Yin and Yang.
And what that brought about the balance of this very world in which we are residing are five very elements. They are the Earth, Metal, Wood, Water and Fire.
All forms on this Earth belong to either one of the ... Views: 1089
Everything in life happens for a reason. In fact, your very presence here now reading this very article has its reason too. Why are you here? To seek for yourself some answer to discovering your life?
Absolutely nothing wrong with that! How wrong can there be? When in doubts, always ask ... Views: 2096
What is Feng Shui? Is it a myth or superstition?
To be talking about Feng Shui, we all know that it is a traditional skill, which originates from the olden China. And to mention the olden China, it can’t be helped by many to relate Feng Shui to traditional Chinese Myths.
This is a very ... Views: 1921
In Feng Shui, there is a saying – Mountain govern Man, Water govern Wealth
Wealth obviously refers to money and assets. Man refers to you; the health, wisdom, emotions, and human relationship of one’s. In simple, mountain refers to human luck while water, wealth luck.
Now, what is ... Views: 1213