Okay. I admit it. I am a “research junkie”. I know. I know. I’ve been “doing” and teaching facial exercises for well over a decade …. and ….. I’ve found lots of “scientific” evidence for how and why facial exercises work so well besides the obvious results. That is anyone performing a ... Views: 2997
Okay. I admit it. I am a “research junkie”. I know. I know. I’ve been “doing” and teaching facial exercises for well over a decade …. and ….. I’ve found lots of “scientific” evidence for how and why facial exercises work so well besides the obvious results. That is anyone performing a ... Views: 3532
My name is Carolyn Cleaves and I’m the owner/founder of a company that teaches facial exercises to look younger. It’s a natural alternative to invasive surgeries and fillers. Every so often I get the question, “Do facial exercises really work?” So, I decided to try a little experiment. I asked ... Views: 4431
Recently I have read a few comments by reputable people saying that facial exercises don’t work and that they in fact, make lines worse on the face. Actually, the truth of the matter is just the opposite. Facial exercises can reduce lines [1]. As a wrinkle becomes shallower with facial ... Views: 8812