I find it fascinating that men place so much emphasis on their own ejaculations, often to their detriment (unlike women, men lose vital life-force energy with their release), while virtually ignoring women’s ejaculatory capacity. Trust me! The world would be a much different place if men ... Views: 3470
If you have paid careful attention, you may have noticed that ordinary friction sex, the kind of sexual exchange that most men employ, is characterized by a series of incessant, robotic, pelvic pumping actions combined with rapid breathing. There is no doubt that this is the fast and hard ... Views: 4532
Many of us are engaged in various activities in the pursuit of physical fitness. We go to health clubs to tone up and strengthen our muscles so that we can look and feel better about ourselves. While the focus of this type of exercise concerns itself with strengthening the external muscles, for ... Views: 2675
One thing is certain, Tantric sex is not for everyone. Tantra requires a level of consciousness that is based on energetic and spiritual principles. In a nutshell, the foundation of Tantric sexual practice is learning to generate copious amounts of orgasmic energy, and directing it up the ... Views: 13092
Sadly, here in the America, there have been many obstacles to erotic spirituality that have been molded by two thousand years of sex-negative, Judeo-Christian influences and values. Make no mistake about it, the spiritual implications of sexual love and ... Views: 2698
One of the most common complaints that I hear from women about their male lovers is that they are just to genitally focused. It's become clear to me that many women seek a more soulful experience in sexual love that relates to the heart as well as the genitals. Their craving for it is so deep ... Views: 1403
Ancient tantric teachings have long specified that all women possess two poles, or hot spots. One is the northern external pole, the clitoris. The other is the less well-known internal southern pole, the G-spot. It should be noted that recently both these assumptions have been challenged as ... Views: 3571
No controversy in religious annals is more laden with raw emotion than the argument as to whether sexual activity is, or is not, a necessary ingredient to spiritual expression. Down through the ages, as this sometimes-bitter dispute has raged some of the most ruthless crimes (remember the ... Views: 2334
I believe its safe to say that very few of us have had any formal instruction in sexual intercourse. Let's face it, when it comes to the subject of sex, the majority of people appear to be unpardonably ignorant. If you think about it, most of what we have learned about sex comes to us from ... Views: 2053
I believe it's safe to say that very few of us have received any formal training in sexual matters. Let's face it, the subject of sex is one in which the majority of people appear to be unpardonably ignorant. The sexual urge has been grossly misunderstood and slandered by both the uninformed and ... Views: 8737