Original Intention on Earth is for us beings (humans and others) to interact with the medium being Love. By exchanging Love.
We are meant to exchange energy with one another by means of Love. We're meant to interact, give back and forth, evaluate one another by, see the world ... Views: 2294
As usual things are closer to the truth if you take the opposite of what is being said or presented as being the truth.
“Nothing is as it seems, skim milk masquerades as cream.”
The real black magic is when there is a false front, when things are manipulated from a hidden place, when things ... Views: 2759
"Higher Vibration is not Necessarily Better or More Loving
How our Judgments have "Colored" our Experience."
There is an underlying assumption, a prejudice, especially in spiritual circles, that higher vibration is automatically better, somehow closer to God, to Love.
This is a ... Views: 3946
I'm walking down a section of Oak Creek here in Sedona Arizona where the water has literally cut into the Red Rock itself. The river bottom and walls are solid red rock carved in waves and curves of amazing shapes finer than any sculptor could conceive of. It is so beautifully conceived-birthed ... Views: 2013
Life is Sex—Sex is Life.
Only those afraid of Life will want to throttle, control, harness, corral, use Sex for their own control purposes. If you enjoy Life, enjoy freedom, enjoy openness, then you will allow others to express however they choose.
There are no “wrong” Bodies.
Being to ... Views: 2863