What are you giving for the holidays? You may be making lists, shopping like crazy, or trying your hand at things home made this year. I'd like to offer another choice.
The very sudden passing of the husband of a dear friend has caused me to go back to the roots of my business. The subject of ... Views: 1127
There comes a time when each one of us must admit that, no matter how hard we try, we can no longer do it all. That is especially important when it comes to the subject of caring for our elderly parents.
Let's consider a hypothetical situation of Carol who is divorced, her children and ... Views: 1226
With every passing day, the role of the family caregiver increases in importance. Why? Because, as our elder loved ones reach the point they are no longer able to live safely, prepare nutritional meals, maintain the household and themselves, adult children gradually begin to assume more and more ... Views: 1388
At a recent meeting of the Future Business Leaders of America Advisory Council, I heard some interesting, or should I say, disturbing comments. At least they were to me. We were discussing the need for a new program in high school education titled "Business Operations Support and Assistant ... Views: 1365
It seems that lately there's another assisted living community being built on just about every empty lot in town. What does this mean to the future? For the immediate future, it's great. We Boomers who have no time, no desire, no call to welcome our elder parents into our own homes have ... Views: 1266
When I was growing up, a senior was someone in their last year of high school or college. We would never have dreamed of calling our elders "seniors." It just wasn't appropriate. Over the years, however, the word "senior" has become synonymous with "elder" (usually meaning anyone over the age of ... Views: 4041
Now that the Boomers are reaching "elder" status and qualify for those dreadful "senior" discounts, what will happen to their upbeat, youthful approach to life? Will anything change?
According to Robert Schwalbe, author of Sexy, Sixty and Successful: A Guide for the Aging Male Baby Boomer, ... Views: 1915
An article I recently read about the hotel reservations business caused me to think about how we communicate. The article talked about a "new" service that offered a really great rate for a hotel room on the Internet. However, in order to get that really great rate, you had to pick up the phone, ... Views: 1341
Have you heard the expression, "helicopter parents?" Those are the (usually) young parents of small children who are obsessive about keeping in touch with those kids 24/7. They are the parents who buy 6 year olds cell phones so they can be connected at all times. They are the parents who won't ... Views: 1569
If you are a young Gen Y working in a multigenerational office, do you know what to and what not to say to your Boomer colleague? First of all, don't ever, ever tell them you are too young to know any Bruce Springsteen songs. Big mistake.
Communicating across generations is challenging, at ... Views: 1183
One of the many hats I wear is marketing consultant to a friend who sells a line of skin care products. She's a quick study, and really "gets it" when facing the challenges of selling to a multi-generational client base. But, her company is struggling to understand that in today's market, it's ... Views: 992
In my latest book, Every Generation Needs a New Revolution, I quote American educator and author, Ms. Eda J. Le Shan, who said, “In all our efforts to provide ‘advantages,’ we have actually produced the busiest, most competitive, highly pressured, and over-organized generation of youngsters in ... Views: 1877
Not too long ago, I read a piece in the newspaper that referred to a recent study about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Researchers interviewed over 7,000 workers ranging in age from 18 to 44 in 10 countries. They concluded that an average of 3.5 percent had ADHD. This article ... Views: 1241
In a former life, I once sold insurance. More specifically, long term care insurance. The reason/excuse/objection I heard from nearly everyone became a real sore spot with me. That's why I no longer sell insurance. What was that excuse? "It won't happen to me." Well, folks, the reality is that ... Views: 1016
There have been several recent articles about the Gen Ys and Millennials, and how they don't believe their lives will be better than that of their parents. Yet since time began, it's been the goal of parents to provide a better life for their children than they had.
My question is, how much ... Views: 1178
“While researching mounds of material, I read page after page about the corporate brain drain (Boomers who are choosing to retire), and the lack of competent young people to replace them. We are being bombarded with news about the Boomers and retirement. On the other hand we’re also hearing ... Views: 1048
A while back I was listening to the radio, when the host introduced a guest by saying he had known her for many years. He said that she was an 81 year old activist, and then went on to say, “She certainly doesn’t act 81.” That made me stop and think of the many pictures the listeners must be ... Views: 1202