What is brain stroke?
Brain stroke is defined as sudden development of neurological deficits due to a vascular event. The patient may have hemiparesis i.e. inability to move limbs on one side of the body. There may be inability to speak and variable degree of impairment of ... Views: 1337
Beetroot & Benefits
Beetroot is the taproot portion of a beet plant. There are number of types of beetroots varying in colour like yellow, white, pink or dark purple. Both taproot and leaves known as beet greens of the beetroot are edible. It is also used in food colouring, as a medicinal ... Views: 639
For most of the people to lose weight, they should chose nutrient rich food or protein and fiber rich foods which help maintaining weight.
After doing many researches and experiments, the scientists concluded that few food impacts our health like in gaining or losing weight when they are ... Views: 554
Our human body is built with 60% water, give or take. Our body constantly discharges water via urine and sweat. To maintain the balance and prevent dehydration, our body need adequate amount of water. The amount of water an individual should consume within a day has many different opinions. The ... Views: 526
Winter comes with some of the major risk factors for heart diseases, respiratory diseases and highly contagious viruses. People often view the danger as hypothermia or frostbite. This dropped temperature during winter directly impacts your health and brings people of heart disease to maximum ... Views: 793
The kidney plays a vital role in the human body. Kidney filters the blood of our body and this filtration process removes toxins, waste and excess fluid from the blood. Healthy kidney also produce urine, produce hormones, control blood pressure and keep bones strong.
Chronic kidney ... Views: 531
The kidneys are two bean shaped organs in our lower abdomen. They pass liquid body waste through urine also filters blood to keep it clean.
Key functions of kidney, includes:
Maintaining overall body fluid balance
Circulating and filtering waste from blood
Filtering waste from ... Views: 1033
Heart attack is a serious medical emergency which can occur due to the blockage (usually blood clot) of blood reaching to the heart. This blocked blood flow can damage heart muscle.
Why Heart Attack Occurs?
The Blood Supply Is Reduced Due To Slow Process (Called Ischemia)And Change In ... Views: 733
Diagnosing prostate cancer involves few tests and once it is diagnosed, multiple options available to treat and cure the disease.
Once you reach urologist or uro-oncologist, they might ask to get few tests done. Tests and procedures used to diagnose prostate cancer include:
Ultrasound ... Views: 657
Prostate is a small gland located below the bladder in men and involve in the reproductive system. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. Generally prostate cancer grows slowly and limited to prostate gland. However, some types of cancer grow slowly and may require small ... Views: 920