Rethinking and Redefinig your USP
By Spiros Tsaltas
This article is a combination two lectures that I gave a few weeks ago: one for the Hult Prize at the U. of Ghana and one at the Sogakope Startup Day (an event co-sponsored by HIREghana).
What is a USP?
Allow me to start with a ... Views: 1222
Rethinking and Redefinig your USP
By Spiros Tsaltas
This article is a combination two lectures that I gave a few weeks ago: one for the Hult Prize at the U. of Ghana and one at the Sogakope Startup Day (an event co-sponsored by HIREghana).
What is a USP?
Allow me to start with a ... Views: 1162
This is a 12-question interview with Iliyana Stareva, the creator of Inbound PR and the author of Inbound PR, the first book on this topic. Her book was published end of April/ 2 months ago- yeap, really hot off the press. Iliyana works for Hubspot, the company that ‘gave’ us Inbound ... Views: 886
This is just a list of human- challenges that we all face in any organization, but they tend to be/get a bit more ‘escalated’ in Startup environments, especially if it is your first Startup experience.
The 1-to-1 Challenges
These are issues that your employees or colleagues, or ... Views: 682
We have been writing about Social Media, Inbound Marketing and Customer Loyalty. Let’s have a look today specifically on (using) WhatsApp.
Although we use WhatsApp as our Business Case Example since almost everybody is using it, all things mentioned here are applicable for any other Dark ... Views: 941
This article is based 'loosely' on my same-topic interview for GBC Radios' Uniiq Business Hour program of past Thursday, the 15th of February; this is by no means an full and comprehensive look at Business Plans.
There are a lot of myths and misperception regarding what a Business Plan is, what ... Views: 825
I was a bit bored during the weekend and I started watching on Youtube a History Channel Documentary which had a reference on the Vietnam War and mistakes made by the American side.
Basically what American Military did was using measurements and analytics the wrong way. And to my eyes, Digital ... Views: 823
The motivation for this article was this very question asked during a Digital Marketing workshop Ibukun was facilitating a couple of weeks ago in Accra.
PPC: What is it?
PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is ... Views: 898
You most likely have heard of Inbound Marketing – a famed tool used by all marketers today for spotting, developing and nurturing prospects to become customers. Inbound Marketing was created a bit more than 10 years ago by a company named Hubspot (by the way, they have a very good & free online ... Views: 991
This is an extract from a talk that we gave on April 18th 2018 at MEST (Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology), as par of our CSR Activities for April, the International Month of Customer Loyalty
Why care about Consumer Touchpoints?
The most common mistake Marketers do, is to ... Views: 790
Customer loyalty and client retention is the primary focus of our PR Firm: HireLoyalty. If you have followed our past articles, you would have seen that all the topics which we write about end up with how the companies can influence customer loyalty and retention. At HireLoyalty we believe that ... Views: 976
Almost every professional has the right tools for his/her trade and Digital Marketers are no exception to it.
A lot of times, we are asked by clients or even other colleagues: what is the best tool for this or for that digital marketing functionality?
This is a natural, intuitive and ... Views: 820
In the past, I have talked about NPS (Net Promoter Score) as the de facto standard for measuring Customer Loyalty.
In 2008, the CCC (Customer Contact Leadership Council) a division of the Corporate Executive Board (CEB is now part of Gardner) created the Customer Effort Score (CES), as a ... Views: 922
Turning your Customers into Subscribers (for Startups et al).
As consumers, we are all aware that you can subscribe to a magazine, a newspaper, a Pay-TV services, etc...
But, let’s turn this thing around: as a company that provides a service or creates/ manufactures a product, can you ... Views: 981
We have all witnessed a tremendous change in the way organizations are changing forms/ structures and in the ways people everywhere use all sorts of technology to complete their assigned daily tasks.
And these trends will keep going on; afterall who can stop evolution, even in business ... Views: 1210
Business Continuity Management is a topic that should be of concern to any organization, whether non-profit or for profit, whether small or large, whether a startup or a well- established and mature business; it is basically an integral component to your Crisis and Risk Management planned ... Views: 992
Humans devise strategies every day. Some can be mundane as how to pass and exam or can be as complicated as how to land on the moon. If there is something to be achieved at the end of a task, then having a strategy for how to execute that task is your best bet for success. As the popular saying ... Views: 1166
In part one of this article, we talked about the importance of a social media strategy and how businesses must focus on having their strategy right. A good social media strategy is absolutely imperative for improved social engagement and profit.
Social media continues to grow every day and ... Views: 1285
Business Continuity Management is a topic that should be of concern to any organization, whether non-profit or for profit, whether small or large, whether a startup or a well- established and mature business; it is basically an integral component to your Crisis and Risk Management planned ... Views: 1336
Any organization, whether non-profit or for profit, whether small or large, whether a startup or a well- established and mature business, seems to be in an eternal search for a perfect strategy for implementing and executing Change Management.
Completely coincidentally, I spent most of last ... Views: 1141
Obviously choosing a BoD properly should result into a visible and measureable set of benefits for any organization. This article will is a continuation of yesterday’s ‘basics’- article.
Most of the stuff mentioned here is also applicable when you are setting up a BoA (Board of Advisors) for ... Views: 1048
Obviously choosing a BoD properly should result into a visible and measurable set of benefits for any organization. This article will give you a brief exposure on some of guidelines, rules of thumb and best practices. Most of these are also applicable when you are setting up a Board of Advisors ... Views: 1023
CEOs and BoDs: What is their relationship?
After my previous article on BoDs, I received a few emails/ messages/ comments emails asking that question, so I decide to draft a quick response. I trust this article provides a clarifying answer to this question.
The CEO / Managing Director and ... Views: 1182
As an entrepreneur, one of the most important exercises you can undertake for your business is determining the marketing and sales processes that lead to the purchase of your product. The sales funnel is a particularly well-known and overused term in today’s global economy. Yet one mistake that ... Views: 890
I have been writing about Social Media, Inbound Marketing and Customer Loyalty. Let's have a look today specifically on (using) WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has been growing in leaps and bounds:
In 2015, WhatsApp had 1 billion monthly users who...
...Who (the users) exchanged 42 billion ... Views: 1691
What is a Board of Directors.
A Board of Directors (usually abbreviated as BoD) is a group (Board) of either elected or appointed people (BoD Members) who together they jointly oversee the activities of an organization. Think of an organization as any group of people who work together in an ... Views: 1277
Any organization, whether non-profit or for profit, whether small or large, whether a startup or a well- established and mature business, without a strategy it would drift away from its vision, mission and of course from its customers too. This is a follow- up (see previous 2 postings) article ... Views: 1083
Any organization, whether non-profit or for profit, whether small or large, whether a startup or a well- established and mature business, without a strategy it would drift away from its vision, mission and of course from its customers too. This is a follow- up from last week’s posting. Here we ... Views: 1057
Client Satisfaction versus Client Loyalty
It has been so nice to see people happy with their Holiday- shopping carrying their purchases with a smile. But, is a happy & satisfied customer really what any merchant should be after?
You are happy with what you bought. No question about it. What ... Views: 871
In the irksome sea of marketing techniques, there is one that you -at least- should be aware about: Inbound Marketing.
Is it something really new? Well, the concept appeared in 1999 in the book ‘Permission Marketing’, written by Seth Godin. If recalling correctly (again, we might not), ... Views: 1093
Any organization, whether non-profit or for profit, whether small or large, whether a startup or a well- established and mature business, without a strategy it would drift away from its vision, mission and of course from its customers too (yes, non-profits have customers too: they are called and ... Views: 1359