I recently created a meme saying, “Allow People to Align With Your Truth,” and thought I’d explain what I mean by this. It all starts with aligning to yourself first, meaning acknowledging what you want and need to be happy and fulfilled. Knowing your truth will help you communicate it to those ... Views: 4920
How do you care for yourself under stress?
I’m sure you’ve heard people say “stress is a killer” and I believe stress can manifest itself in emotional and physical ways that can lead to depression, anxiety and even death if gone untreated. If you are under stress over a long period of time ... Views: 3767
Have you ever felt like you are doing more to help your partner then they are to help themselves? Sometimes it just seems easier to take control and get things done on your own than ask your partner to do their part. And they may be completely happy with having you take care of business. But ... Views: 5892
Imagine singing in front of an arena full of adoring, screaming fans, and feeling the high that comes from being center stage. Then, imagine going from the stage to your own luxury tour bus and hearing nothing but the hum of wheels on the road and feeling severely lonely and unsatisfied with ... Views: 3624