The top killers in America are heart disease, obesity, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Want to know something interesting? All of these diseases are linked to insulin and leptin resistance. To put it more simply: there is an underlying problem that is caused by eating too many carbs and/or ... Views: 820
Ladies, ladies, ladies…there are some things that you may or may not know about your period. As much as you may hate periods, there are some things you may or may not know about your periods. Menstrual blood, for instance, is actually pretty cool. In fact, the stem cells found in menstrual blood ... Views: 754
Do you ever feel like you want to eat more vegetables, but don’t know how to incorporate them in your diet? Well, juicing is the answer, people. Juicing is a great way to add a boatload of nutrients to your diet in a quick and efficient way. Drinking freshly made raw juice can help give your ... Views: 856
Do you ever feel like you want to eat more vegetables, but don’t know how to incorporate them in your diet? Well, juicing is the answer, people. Juicing is a great way to add a boatload of nutrients to your diet in a quick and efficient way. Drinking freshly made raw juice can help give your ... Views: 1009
The crisp bubbly fizz, sweet taste, and that little caffeine buzz soda gives you can be hard to resist. You know it’s bad for you, but it’s hard to quit something that tastes so good. Well, stop drinking it, plain and simple. Soda is damaging your health and preventing you from losing weight ... Views: 831
Fermented foods may not be on most peoples’ radars. Even though they are readily available, most people ignore them. They may seem daunting because they have strong smells or flavors, but they are full of nutrients and probiotics that can promote a healthy digestive system.
Your gut is full ... Views: 738
Almost everyone in the US has a microwave in the kitchen. It is a convenient appliance that seemingly makes our lives easier. You can defrost, reheat, or cook food in microwaves. Are we at all concerned about the dangers of microwaves, though?
A lot of people use microwaves without thinking ... Views: 668
Let’s be honest. With all the prescription drugs, antibiotics, painkillers, and antidepressants, in combination with unhealthy diets comprised of lots of meat, dairy, and processed foods, it makes sense that we get sick or develop medical conditions. It’s amazing that we don’t sick more! But we ... Views: 725
Heart disease is a complex and important topic, especially for Americans. Being the number one cause of death in America, it is optimal to be informed about ways that you can naturally prevent your risk of developing some form of heart disease. The sad thing is that many Americans don’t realize ... Views: 872
As the summer nears its end, our relaxing days of leisure start to become hectic and stressful. Coordinating pickups to and from school, being on time for afterschool sports, or occasionally being summoned to chaperone a field trip can be taxing on your body. Add those things and more to your ... Views: 973
There is nothing more frustrating than buying produce and having it spoil a few days later. Sometimes produce can go bad before you get the chance to use it! We have a natural tendency to blame the supermarket or vendor at a farmer's market for selling us spoiled produce. We rarely point the ... Views: 621
Kidney stones, while uncomfortable, are more and more common these days, affecting about 1 in 11 Americans. Although they are more prevalent in men, women can also develop kidney stones. Having kidney stones is no walk in the park. In fact, it can be very painful, so let's take a look at what ... Views: 730
If you aren’t already reaping the benefits of lemon water, you need to start because it can change your health. We aren’t talking about the sugar-heavy lemonade that kids sell for 50 cents a glass in moves. No, this is all about fresh lemon juice in water and how you can benefit from drinking ... Views: 778
Even though we may not know the exact functions of our internal organs, they keep us alive. What happens if they are not functioning at optimum levels? Well, chances are that symptoms, which can be unpleasant, will arise and cause discomfort or inhibit normal life. If there was a quick and easy ... Views: 672
The immune system deserves credit for all it does. While it isn’t perfect or able to protect you against all viruses or bacteria, it usually can fight germs and keep you healthy. Some people have weaker immune systems than others, but people can actually weaken their immune systems without ... Views: 747
Whether you know it or not, your thyroid is one of the most important components of your body. Just like anything in the body, it functions better if it is healthy. What happens if it doesn't work like it should? Believe it or not, this is more common than you think.
Roughly 20 million ... Views: 615
People have their go-to fruits and vegetables that they always get. Different seasons bring different produce items, which can catch your eye at the store or farmer's market. They can look interesting, out of the ordinary, or unfamiliar, but you are curious about them. What nutrients or benefits ... Views: 756
The 4th of July is a day for watching fireworks, grilling, and socializing. Oh, who are we kidding? It’s a holiday that’s all about eating! Everyone gets together to eat, cook, bake, and showcase recipes that take your taste buds on a rollercoaster of flavor. You don’t need meat to have a great ... Views: 745
Men aren’t always the most proactive when it comes to looking after their health. A lot of men consider themselves to be healthy even if they are not. Sometimes a guy associates a steady, well-paying job or productiveness with being healthy, and he often ignores symptoms that indicate that ... Views: 944
Do you often feel like your bowel movements aren’t normal? Are your bowels causing you discomfort? Do you have infrequent bowels and feel backed up? While these are signs of an unhealthy digestive system, fear not because these are issues people regularly experience. There are steps you can take ... Views: 771
In a world of processed foods and artificial ingredients, toxins and chemicals can easily accumulate in the body. These built-up chemicals can lead to obesity, heart disease, migraines, high blood pressure, and diabetes, among many other ailments. Because people are now understanding the ... Views: 685
As men grow older, they need to worry about prostate health. It’s a good idea for men over 40 to talk with their doctors and start thinking about ways, foods, or regimens that help keep the prostate healthy. Since prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males and the second leading cause of ... Views: 1110
Are you struggling to understand all those difficult terms on nutrition labels? Fear not because you are not alone. Saturated fat, trans fat, partially hydrogenated oils, caboxymethylcellulose, sodium hexametaphosphate, maltodextrin…it’s all just too much to take in. We want to help you ... Views: 959
Guys like to spend hours in the gym sculpting their physiques. While a healthy waistline is important for improved sexual performance, a lot of men don’t realize that their diet can directly affect their sex lives. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, or underlying health conditions caused by poor ... Views: 1027
So you made the choice to eat healthier and started snacking on nuts to sustain yourself between meals. Whether or not you did this because of a cleanse or a new plant-based diet, snacking on nuts is much better for you than eating that usual bag of chips. Although you made a positive dietary ... Views: 740
People have been reaping the benefits of superfoods like bok choy, kale, mustard greens, and broccoli for some time now. They provide the body with high amounts of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, but could they be doing more than you think? Yes, and this is all due to chlorophyll. ... Views: 705
Cooking or incorporating rosemary into your life may just be the ticket to a healthier and longer life. People have been using rosemary to add a Mediterranean essence to dishes for quite some time. It grows in gardens, but can often be dismissed as just a regular herb. Trust us, it’s way better ... Views: 1129
Some people just have faster metabolisms than others. It isn’t fair that one person can go through a pint of ice cream without gaining a single pound. Genetics play a huge role in one’s metabolism, the body’s engine that helps continually burn calories. At the end of the day, however, slow ... Views: 622
One of the most difficult things about cleansing your body (aside from being a bore at a potluck) is maintaining healthy energy levels. Most people are used to unhealthy, sugary, and caffeinated sources as pick-me-ups, or they rely on meat and salty snacks to power them through the day. All of ... Views: 788
Since we aren’t at the dinner table, let’s talk about poop. Bowel movements aren’t widely discussed, but they are an inevitable part of life. Your bowels can actually say a lot about you and inform you about your gastrointestinal health. Without further or doo (get it?), here’s the inside scoop ... Views: 730
So you want to control your high blood pressure. You are not alone. High blood pressure or hypertension is an extremely common condition that affects nearly everyone at some point. Obesity, chronic stress, lack of exercise, or high alcohol consumption are some of the causes that lead to high ... Views: 825
There are a lot of foods out in the world that have been promoted as healthy, but they actually are not. Certain food products get advertised as healthy to make us believe they are good for us. The reality is that there are many unhealthy foods we perceive as “healthy.” Knowledge is power, so ... Views: 741
If you haven’t been reaping the benefits of magnesium rich foods or supplements, then it’s time to start. Magnesium, believe it or not, is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It’s the fourth most prevalent mineral in the body, half of it being stored in the bones and the other ... Views: 781
Modern burial practices are far different from those of the old world. Here’s the reality: Cemeteries in America bury over 100,000 tons of steel, about 1.5 million tons of concrete for coffins and reinforced vaults every year, which ultimately contaminates the earth. While cremation doesn’t ... Views: 979
Stress is something that nearly everyone experiences. Whether it is induced by problems at work, your family, or issues of everyday life, stress is something that can slowly chip away at your health. It’s necessary to take a step back, a breather, and focus on taking the time to relax and ... Views: 654
Many people looking for an alternative to milk have jumped on the almond milk bandwagon. It has been on the rise and deserves a spot on a shelf in your fridge. Almond milk contains about 50% less calories than regular milk, but packs a healthy calcium punch. All of this sounds great, and it is, ... Views: 656
There’s no denying that jobs used to include more physical activity. Sitting at desks and in front of screens all day has no doubt contributed to a more lethargic lifestyle, but it has hardly contributed to the growing obesity epidemic.
A common belief is that waistlines have grown because ... Views: 988