Nursing has always been a good and prosperous career path, but recently nursing has grown leaps and bounds in popularity. Every year more and more students work towards and eventually go into a nursing career. What is it about nursing that makes that job so popular? Keep reading to find out why ... Views: 1548
Mesothelioma is widely known throughout the medical field as one of the most difficult cancers to treat. There are a number of factors which have prevented finding a reliable cure for the disease. Mesothelioma can remain dormant for as long as fifty years, allowing it to reach terminal stages ... Views: 2895
Since the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the health care industry has seen a vast shift in trends and how the healthcare industry operates. The industry itself was already growing and changing before ACA. The move to electronic health records systems has been vital in order to ensure ... Views: 2370
Oregon's present state of health has been checked as poor in recent days. The Oregon Health Authority: Addictions and Mental Health Division has come under fire. It was concluded that Oregon has an abysmal track record for people completing their addiction treatment programs, and was only ... Views: 1367