Sacred geometry symbols come from the patterns of nature, spirit, and various mystical concepts. Behind all sacred geometric symbols is the knowledge that enables us to take complete control over our lives, taking us out of chaos, fear and hatred which affect so many of us. According to ancient ... Views: 4772
Ever since I had known about Paramhansa Yogananda, I have always longed to be "enlightened." By "enlightenment" I do not mean in the usual intellectual sense, but as a state of "yoga" or union with one's higher Self, which is very much in tune with the truth and with the manifested creation we ... Views: 1690
Would one trade in his or her vitality for a temporary thrill? Would one lose one's spirit over some frivolous romance that did not even last the night? Hopefully not, but most likely nearly everyone is doing something quite similar to the above on a regular basis. If one is really serious about ... Views: 1801
Oral hygiene, remineralization toothpastes and alkaline nutrition can save your teeth. The following ten steps may not only save one's teeth and gums, but also one's life. Why? Because many underlying causes of disease are affected as well.
1) Save your teeth with raw greens: There might be ... Views: 6998
Terrified of the dentist? Heal dental caries naturally with butter oil and cod liver oil, oral care, remineralization and correct nutrition, including a life-long alkaline-forming diet be so vital for dental health. This article presents alternative dental research. Much of what we have been ... Views: 3537
Some Simple Pranic Collection Devices and Possible Experiments Revealing Strange Properties of Prana
While traveling at high speeds either by car, train, speedboat, and plane in addition to the obvious sensation of acceleration and deceleration there is, quite noticeable, some sort of ... Views: 2828
Large bodies of water seem to contain this prana and I feel that it must be, like water, a major and very important "building block" of who we are, otherwise we would not be so pleasantly sensitive to its existence as a source of blessing and nourishment to our souls and as such a powerful and ... Views: 2000
There seems to exist an amazing "something" or mysterious form of energy in nature called "prana" by most yogic traditions and "chi" by certain eastern philosophies. Yogis and mystics have been aware of some rather sublime facts of nature long before western science ever acknowledged such ... Views: 2177
Probable futures, parallel realities, time-travel, and the real reason for the abductions (temporary detainments) by "alien grays" are explained clearly by Bashar's unprecedented insight and understanding on these subjects. The existence of Atlantis and how it ended is also confirmed by at least ... Views: 5721
Many UFO's seen in our atmosphere are actually ships sent by advanced civilizations from higher spheres or worlds of vibration trying to initiate contact with our dimension. Bashar's world, "Essassani" is at a vibration rate varying between spirit and matter. Bashar claims to be an ... Views: 9057
Learn how to free yourself from selfishness and the urgency of time with self-realization. For as long as history existed there was always a struggle between dark and light, evil and goodness, ignorance and wisdom, urgency (stress) and relaxation. There are countless aspects to the complex human ... Views: 1519
Shyness is quite common and not a real problem unless it becomes chronic and develops into a form of social anxiety that is quite persistent, socially crippling and bothersome. A social phobia is simply a more specific form of social anxiety. There are many different aspects and causes of this ... Views: 1477
What is dark energy and what is its significance? What exactly is dark matter? Is there really a God and if so, what exactly is this Creator? What is all matter really made of?
Astronomers say dark energy comprises 70% of the universe, while 26% is dark matter (90% of all matter in the ... Views: 2025
What is Astral Projection and What Are the Best Conditions for this Strange Experience?
Astral projection also known as the out-of-body experience and as "soul travel" by some groups, can happen to anyone at any time in one's life. Astral projection is often confused with lucid or vivid ... Views: 2337
Why waste sexual energy when it can be transformed through yogic practices into ever changing continuous joy and bliss? Nearly everyone I know has no idea how truly awesome transmutation of conserved vital energy can be. Related to trantra, this spiritual approach to sexuality is, under the ... Views: 11564
Agora comes from the Greek word for marketplace, and phobia means fear, therefore, agoraphobia had to originally mean fear of the marketplace. In many cases agoraphobia still means just that: a fear of public places such as a shopping center or marketplace or any such location. However, today's ... Views: 2479
Depression is said to be the "common cold" of mental illness. Unfortunately there has been such a stigma attached to mental illness that throughout history, those having to contend with whatever aspect(s) of mental illness life threw at them, also had to contend with many associated social ... Views: 1273
The word anxiety comes from the Latin, anxietas or anxius and is defined as the abnormal apprehension of some imaginary or real thing often accompanied by increased pulse, sweating and tremors. Obviously it is natural and healthy to have some momentary anxiety about some real dangers. However, ... Views: 1498
What is the preferred treatment for anxiety, depression and related nervous problems? There is a huge assortment of products available today claiming to cure anxiety, depression and related problems. Obviously, one should always be careful not to overlook any serious medical problems that might ... Views: 1883
I suffered severely from anxiety and depression for more than 30 years. It got worse during high school, and even worse later on, as if it were deliberately trying to make my life as miserable as possible. This is my story of great emotional pain, long years of isolation, misery and utter ... Views: 4036
Simply praying may not help much. Instead it may be more effective to meditate intensely for more than 15 minutes on the actual result of one's intent which must be in tune with the good of all and never against anyone's wishes. By understanding some of the timeless, mystical truths deeply ... Views: 1370
There is always within ourselves a wonderful essence of knowledge and joy that can be tapped into and enjoyed. Through regular meditation on pure love, and habitual thoughts of God's wonderful qualities, one can live in wholeness. What one habitually thinks and feels often determines the sort of ... Views: 1289
The direct voice mediumship of Leslie Flint is a triple miracle. It is a miracle enough that any messages from the afterlife came through at all. The second miracle is that the length and quality of communication is the greatest and highest I have ever heard in the history of mediumship. The ... Views: 2139
It is one's state of evolution and consciousness that determines what sort of afterlife one finds one's self in after the crossing from this world into the realms beyond it. One's spiritual progress or development is largely dependent on the degree of one's personal illumination, love, ... Views: 5758
One of the greatest sources of afterlife information ever was the British direct voice medium Leslie Flint (1911-1994). His seance sessions were well documented and recorded. During any seance, voices would resonate out of thin air around the medium. Throughout all the decades of his mediumship, ... Views: 2398
The "Physics" of the Astral Worlds
What really are the astral worlds made of? Does time and distance really exist in the afterlife? If so, what are they like in the afterlife? Why is it so difficult for souls to communicate with Earth? What sort of multidimensional properties exist in the ... Views: 1364
Life in the astral spheres is far more varied and complete than life on Earth. Some spheres nearest the earth plane are so similar to Earth that much of what one can experience there resembles very much the same conditions as Earth, such as cloudy weather, rain, snow, wind, night and day. On the ... Views: 1938
The Exciting Reality of the Afterlife Rejected by Closed Minded Skeptics
Listening to actual recorded descriptions of "the undiscovered country" through the direct voice mediumship of Leslie Flint is always incredible, thrilling, breathtaking, and astounding. When I first heard some of this ... Views: 1301
There are so many individuals alive today still wondering whether there is life after death, and if there is, what sort of afterlife is it? How can one be sure of the information available today on such controversial subjects as this one? I have studied all aspects of this subject quite ... Views: 1608
What is wholeness? Being in a state of wholeness means completely free of wound or injury with nothing missing and everything complete, perfect, unbroken, and uncut; perfectly healthy and free of any defect, deformity, mistake or impairment having all its proper parts and components. Another way ... Views: 1688