WHY BLAME THE BARTENDER ? - A poem in English and Hindi on the human abuse of free will.
How are they to love us whose hearts know us not,
Why and how are they to confess love to a stranger ?
Why blame the lovers, love itself is fake in this world,
So naive to come with open hearts ... Views: 1100
For most people in this world, love masquerades as attachment. Sometimes both exist together and get mixed up. This happens in parental and filial love, among siblings, lovers, friends, spouses etc.
True friendship, chosen and not ... Views: 1625
Most people feel nervous and jittery when they have to make a presentation or give a talk, and yet as one grows in life and advances on the career path, this cannot be avoided.
Now, a little nervousness is quite natural and human, especially if it is your first talk or if there is a major ... Views: 913
As the readers may be aware, Yoga is a lot more than just physical postures. Yoga is not just for the body ; in fact the ultimate aim of Yoga is transcending the limiting body consciousness - our chief hurdle.
WHAT IS YOGA : The name Yoga (actually Yog) is derived from the root words Yujir ... Views: 1435