Are you considering buying a treadmill?
The enormous variety of models on the market can make the task of choosing one overwhelming. To the first time buyer the bewildering range of models can lead many into information overload and make the task of selecting a suitable treadmill more difficult ... Views: 2000
Many people make their New Year's resolution to become super fit but fail to achieve their goal because of the obstacles they encounter.
When people think seriously about getting fit one of the first things they think of is attending a gym. Now this is fine, but just getting yourself to a gym ... Views: 1485
Fall is here but does that mean that your fitness goals will be blown way like the leaves from the trees?
Exercising at the gym can yield some amazing results, but if you have not done this before you may feel uneasy about starting. It is easy to think that everyone knows what they are doing ... Views: 860
Is your New Year's resolution to get fit and look great for the new year? Working out at the gym can produce some spectacular results, but can be daunting if you haven't been before. It can seem as though everyone knows what they're doing but you. You worry about looking stupid, or about what ... Views: 958
The following are 10 steps to improve your fitness health. Even athletes who are incredibly fit may not be really healthy. They often tread a fine line between health and illness or injury.
1) Your health will improve if you minimize the number of tablets that you take. Paracetamol may seem ... Views: 946