Your Inner Peace is crucial to setting New Year’s resolutions and goals that work, are achievable and that align with who you truly are.
The beginning of a new year always sparks a goal setting frenzy. We look at goals achieved and un-achieved from the past year and decide what’s important ... Views: 1317
Holiday stress can put pressure on our entire lives and wreak havoc on our ability to maintain our inner peace. These weeks leading up to the holidays can be extremely stressful as we try to juggle our regular schedules and add in all the extra food to cook, shopping to do, family to invite (or ... Views: 1272
If you’ve ever struggled to attain your goals, don’t beat yourself up, don’t give up. It may just be that all you need is a change in your focus. You may just be giving in to your desire for immediate gratification. If you’re like most people today, you’ve probably let yourself fulfill this ... Views: 1434
If you’ve ever struggled to attain your goals, don’t beat yourself up, don’t give up. It may just be that all you need is a change in your focus. You may just be giving in to your desire for immediate gratification. If you’re like most people today, you’ve probably let yourself fulfill this ... Views: 1398
On any given day and at any given moment there are as many reasons to feel peaceful, to choose inner peace and to pass it on as there are to feel annoyed, threatened, angry, frustrated and to pass that on.
It is a choice.
Pass on the peace or pass on the crap. Feel the peace within or roll ... Views: 1428
Boundaries can be considered our personal rules of engagement. They’re the limits or guidelines we use to indicate how we interact with others and how we will allow them to interact with us.
Some of us have multiple layers of boundaries and some have a simple set. Still others have different ... Views: 1162
Who’s really beating up on you the most? It’s probably you. Don’t believe me? Stop and notice the way you talk to yourself. One of the biggest obstacles to Inner Peace and developing your Inner Sanctum is the presence of negative self-talk and the way we beat ourselves up. For the most part, ... Views: 1243
The Best Choice - Gia Cilento - The Peace Doctor, Life Coach, Author, Speaker, Reiki Master, Healer
Making the best choice can sometimes be difficult. Sometimes there seems to be far too many things to choose from, such as breakfast cereal, and sometimes there are far too few, such as choosing ... Views: 1354
If you’re anything like me, you sometimes feel like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions at the same time. Yes, you manage to fulfill just about everything on your “to do” list, but you can end up feeling drained, empty and exhausted or even totally overwhelmed. When you’re ... Views: 1261
Being a SuperWoman isn’t always easy. In fact, it can be downright tough. So many expectations, especially from yourself. Sometimes it feels like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions. And, sometimes, when you don’t live up to those expectations, things unravel, fall apart and you have to ... Views: 1106
Everyone has stress. It’s a natural part of life and happens everyday. There’s no escaping it. What you can escape, however, are the harmful side effects of prolonged, extreme, and/or chronic stress.
First, let’s take a look at stress, what it is, how it impacts you, how to recognize it and ... Views: 1932
When you hear the words, inner peace, what do you think? Maybe the term conjures up images of a monk sitting in a cave at the top of a lonely mountain, or a group of people sitting in meditation for hours and hours a day. What’s it really mean, though. What is this elusive thing called “inner ... Views: 1208
Have you heard the song, “Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw?
If you haven’t, click on the link and head over there after you’ve finished reading. It really makes you sit up and take notice of how you’re living your life. That’s what it did for me, anyway, when my coach at the time had me ... Views: 1259
Growing up in South Florida, I heard this a lot from the northern transplants, the unhappy ones, at least.
They’d tell me that the weather was always the same – hot! I’d always argue that there were distinct differences in the climate that were clearly visible throughout the seasons. These ... Views: 1137
Early this week, my sister, Abby, told me about something called, simply, “The Plan.” It’s a system developed by Lyn-Genet Recitas for figuring out which foods really work best with your body and which may be causing inflammation that causes weight gain.
I’ve always been athletic and relatively ... Views: 1109
Yes, I said it. I know you might have thought that the idea of Super-Women went out in the 80’s or 90’s but don’t fool yourself. There are probably more pressures on us as women today than there were back then. We thought we had a lot to take care of before and now we've added in social ... Views: 935