If you're one of many home owners who, in todays tight economy, finds themselves between a rock and hard place, unable to pay the mortgage and needing to sell fast, you've probably noticed those "Cash for Property" yard signs.
Of course there may be other reasons you need to sell quickly as ... Views: 995
Is it time to sell your house privately?
If you're trying to sell your house in this economic downturn, you may want to sell your house privately. Perhaps you've had your home listed with a realtor with no results. Perhaps you'd just rather save the cost of paying a realtor's commission which ... Views: 1260
One of the problem business owners have - especially small business owner - is how to set up their retirement plan without having to provide it for the whole world! If you try to set up a 401k or other Federal plan you have to include your employees. Now as a small business owner myself, I ... Views: 1988
The following is fictional. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. :)
John had just retired and like many newly retired folks he decided to buy a boat and do some fishing. He bought the boat, the equipment and last but not least searched high and low for the perfect anchor. ... Views: 1593
Ok, I know what you're thinking, "What do Dragons have to do with investing?" Well I just got back from the Dragon boat race in Oriental, NC (appropriately name) and I have dragons on the brain! I ran across a quote from J.R.R. Tolkein (Author of the Hobbit & Lord of the Rings Trilogy) "It ... Views: 1822
If you don't want to be "broker", fire your Broker! Sound a little rash? Think about it. Did you lose a big chunk of your retirement savings back in 2000-2003? Most lost 40-60%. Did you lose again in 2008? Many lost 20-40% or more! Now ask yourself this question, "Did you ever get back to ... Views: 1429
All my clients have one thing in common they want their retirement money safe but they don't want to "tie" it up - they want to enjoy it! So here's a way to "have your cake and eat it too".
Many of you are looking for a safe environment to put your money to avoid the volatility of the market ... Views: 2413
Despite what the current administration says and would like us to believe, the current financial crisis is not over; in fact it's probably just beginning. If you're paying attention, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we're on the verge of a catastrophic collapse in the market that ... Views: 2090
As I ended my last post, I mentioned that according to Harry S Dent*, market collapses are tied to spending and there is a report being release on July 27, 2010 that will show consumer spending at less than 1%. This, Mr. Dent's research shows, will precipitate a massive collapse in the market. ... Views: 1321
Ok I know what you're thinking, "Why do I need life insurance." Most folks I meet with have a negative view of what was once a must have product in everyone's portfolio. Unfortunately most agents have sold this multi-functional product short and promoted it just for death benefit. But there's ... Views: 1286
If you're over 60, you're probably familiar with the traditional "Three Legged Stool" model of saving for retirement; SOCIAL SECURITY, PENSIONS, SAVINGS. You may have used this method in planning your retirement income. Well don't get too comfortable - the stool's broken! If you've watched the ... Views: 2518