The strongest, most courageous, most enlightened people succumb to it.
Coaches do it.
Happy people still do it.
Masters of manifestation slip up occasionally.
What is the habit that we can't seem to kick?
No matter where we are on our path to glory, when we feel ... Views: 1381
In relationships, before we can be fully present for another, we should know how to be fully present for ourselves. This complete presence is the finest form of attention we can give anyone or anything. It is how we see (with William Blake)
…‘the world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a ... Views: 1598
« I am the actor of my life.
However, I know the script but I've forgotten my vibrator! »
(copyright Jenni Parker-Brown
Leaning towards our dreams is a balancing act. Similar to a dancer spinning towards a victorious arabesque, if we dance too fast and without direction, when we lift ... Views: 1487
Simply the greatest; a total body and soul orgasm. There is no state more powerful than when the volcanic lava of appreciation is flowing through the veins; sunsets around the world glow deeper and richer with the generous and benevolent ... Views: 2052
Are others sabotaging your quest for abundance?
Interesting question!
It appears there are many who are struggling to discover that abundance is our birthright even after a lifetime of searching.
Moreover, for all the millions of brave warrior souls who are somewhere on the path to ... Views: 1571