If you’ve ever moved a house full of furniture, accessories and personal belongings, you know how expensive it can be. It’s not like college, when you can just load up and old van with laundry baskets full of jean and sweatshirts and go truckin’ merrily down the road. Moving in the grown up ... Views: 1105
Moving day is very stressful and the more planning and organizing you can do in advance, the easier things will go on moving day. Here are some organizational tips to help you start early and reduce stress when moving.
If you are Moving Locally
A local move is easier than a long distance ... Views: 1013
If you are moving, you already stressed. The last thing you want is to find your favorite wall art or family heirlooms broken or damaged when you unpack them at your new home. Here’s how to avoide that unwelcome scenario.
Start Early
Pack early so you have plenty of time to pack carefully. ... Views: 1447
If you are moving and your new home has a garage and/or basement, consider yourself lucky. These areas offer a treasure trove of storage space and make it much easier to keep things organized before, during and after your move. Here are some tips to make the most of these storage areas.
The ... Views: 800
It has been said that moving is one of the most stressful of life’s events, only slightly less stressful than divorce and death of a spouse. However, getting organized in advance of the move can greatly reduce the stress and make the move much easier. Here are four tips to help your next move go ... Views: 1216
Moving is expensive and while the cost of hiring a moving company or renting a truck to haul your own stuff can’t be avoided, here are some ways to cut costs.
Movers: Full Service or DIY?
Whether you decide to hire a moving company or make the move on your own with a rental truck or pod ... Views: 921
You’ve moved! The big event is finally behind you, but now you have a lot of unpacking to do. This part of the job can be as hard as packing up and moving itself. However, by planning ahead and being organized in the way you pack your boxes, you can make settling in to your new home a lot easier ... Views: 1140
If you have a budding Albert Einstein or Madame Currie living under your roof, providing him or her with adequate study space is an absolute necessity. Even if your home is a bit short on space, a personalized study area is very important for a child. Whether you set aside a corner of your ... Views: 1460
If you love to read, there's probably a good chance that you've accumulated a sizable collection of books over the years. In this "digital age," e-readers and digital books are becoming far more popular. Although you might personally embrace the concept of digital media, there's probably a good ... Views: 1010
If your family's schedule seems to be a never-ending string of dentist appointments, dance recitals, P.T.A. meetings and soccer matches, getting your calendar organized might seem like an impossible goal. Keeping a busy family's schedule organized can be quite challenging. However, you might be ... Views: 922
If you need to lose weight or just want to live a healthier lifestyle, making a commitment to eating healthier can be a great way to start. Although it can sometimes be a bit of a challenge to stick to healthier eating habits, organizing your pantry can definitely help. If your pantry is like ... Views: 996
Although the cold and icy winter weather might make it difficult to envision warm and sunny days, spring is literally just around the corner. There's no better way to welcome spring than to give your home a good all-over cleaning. Since spring signals a fresh new start for nature, it's a great ... Views: 914
If you've finally decided to "clean up your act" around your home, you might be wondering where to start. Getting a home organized from top to bottom can definitely be a challenge - but one that's certainly worth taking on. Springtime is a popular time of year for people to de-clutter and clean ... Views: 1006
If you're like many people, you probably have a lot of "junk" in your trunk - and possibly even in your back seat, console and glove box! Although it's definitely a good idea to be prepared for emergencies, carrying a variety of different supplies around in your vehicle can be an organizational ... Views: 1029
If you never seem to know what your spouse or children's schedules look like, perhaps it's because you haven't taken the time to create a family calendar. Having one calendar devoted solely to your family's schedule can make the difference between chaos and organization in a household. Although ... Views: 1408
Regardless of whether your kitchen is large or small, there's a good chance that you're not maximizing the usefulness and efficiency of your kitchen cabinet space. Kitchen cabinets just seem to have a way of getting cluttered and disorganized, no matter how hard you try to keep things under ... Views: 1268
If you find that your family is constantly struggling to keep paperwork, instruction manuals and other paper items organized, a filing cabinet could be just the solution you've been looking for. Instead of stashing paperwork in various locations around your home, keep all your items organized ... Views: 1623
If you're like most people, you probably start thinking about shelves and organizing techniques when somebody mentions streamlining your laundry day. However, it's important to remember that keeping your laundry room neat and organized is only a small part of the laundry day battle. Most of the ... Views: 1138
Storage units are becoming increasingly popular among those who simply don't have enough space to store everything. For those who live in small homes or apartments, even a small storage unit can provide much-needed storage space. However, some people discover that utilizing a storage unit also ... Views: 1030
In today's challenging economy, most people are constantly looking for ways to live more economically and save money. Taking advantage of sales and using coupons can be a great way to stretch one's household budget. Instead of buying items at full price when they are needed, it's usually better ... Views: 1051
In today's busy and fast-paced world, it can be sometimes be difficult to stay organized. Demanding work schedules, busy social calendars and family responsibilities can often take up every free moment of a person's time. This kind of hectic existence often results in disorganized homes and an ... Views: 1094
If you're like most people, you probably have far more clutter than you'd like. You probably have stacks of paper and items that you don't really need but can't bear to part with stashed in various places throughout your home. In many cases, a digital solution can really help get these messes ... Views: 1133
If you are planning to entertain in your home, you might be stressed out over all the details and tasks that you have to take care of. When planning an event, it's best to focus on the basics so that you'll be able to enjoy spending time with your family, friends and associates. After all, you ... Views: 1027
Sometimes it's the little things in life that are the most difficult to get under control. In many households, toiletry items fall into this category. If you're like most people, you probably have an extensive collection of toiletry items, personal care products, and even medications. Although ... Views: 1053
As the colder weather approaches, it eventually becomes time to take your bulky winter coats and other winter wardrobe items out of storage. When this happens, many families struggle with how to store them in a convenient and yet space-efficient manner. Because these items are bulkier than ... Views: 2039
If your household is like most, it's likely that you and your family members are drowning in a sea of paper. Although computer experts have long talked about the "paperless" office of the future, most families and businesses have a long way to go in order to achieve that lofty goal. In many ... Views: 1189
Table linens can certainly add a beautiful finishing touch to any table. However, families today tend to not use table linens as much as families did in the past. As such, you might feel a little unprepared when purchasing formal or even casual table linens for your home. Plus, once you buy ... Views: 2597
Sometimes when attempting to organize your household you might discover that the problem lies in your family's overall processes, habits and lifestyle. For example, even the most perfectly organized laundry room may not be a match for the fact that your family simply creates too much laundry. ... Views: 3721
If you're like many people today, you probably possess far more personal possessions than your parents and grandparents did when they were your age. Quick and convenient access to almost anything one needs to buy makes it easy to accumulate a lot of household and personal possessions. To make ... Views: 1393
If you never seem to achieve your goal of getting organized, perhaps the problem is that you don't truly understand your underlying motivation. Although most people have an underlying desire to become better organized, not everyone wants to achieve this goal for the exact same reason. If you'd ... Views: 970
Almost everyone has a "to-do list," whether it's written down on paper or simply carried around mentally every day. In fact, most people spend a considerable amount of time each day thinking about their list of things to do, as well as worrying that they won't get them done on time. If you want ... Views: 957
If your home or apartment is a bit on the small side, you might find it is especially challenging to get it organized. Small living spaces can often be difficult to organize properly, because there's only so much room in which to work. If you'd like to get your small home or apartment better ... Views: 1059
"Mental clutter" can be a big problem for many people. If you find that you have lots of ideas but not much time in which to implement them, chances are you're being adversely affected by mental clutter. Symptoms of this syndrome include frustration, worry, distraction, disorganization, and a ... Views: 1102
If you never seem to be able to get your home organized no matter how hard you try, perhaps the problem is that you are trying to do everything yourself. Although it can be admirable to try to be an "organizational hero" around the house, it's far more likely that you'll end up exhausted and ... Views: 1046
If you ask most people about their most difficult challenge when organizing their home, you're likely to hear paper mentioned as one of their primary problems. In today's busy world, most people simply have more paper in their homes than they know what to do with. Although many of us dream of ... Views: 1234
If you're like many people, you probably wish you could get your life and home better organized. However, you might also feel as though you never really have enough time to get organized in the first place. Many people go through their entire lives putting off the entire organization process ... Views: 1143
If your family is like most, paper clutter and chaos is probably one of your most challenging organizational issues. In today's busy world, it can be quite difficult to keep household paperwork organized. Even though the thought of a "paperless office" might sound appealing, the fact remains ... Views: 1159
Mailing and packaging supplies can often be a source of home clutter. Although these useful items are a necessity in most homes, they can be challenging to keep organized. In some cases, you might simply want to keep the envelopes, stamps and stationery that you use for personal communication ... Views: 3511
If you are like most people, chances are you read a variety of different magazines. Although some magazines can simply be read and then discarded, other magazines can be useful for a longer period of time. For example, you probably wouldn't want to discard your sewing, woodworking or other ... Views: 2475
Most families enjoy decorating their home and yard for the various holidays throughout the year. However, it can often be difficult to keep holiday decor organized, easily accessible and yet out of the way throughout the year when it's not being used. If your basement, attic or garage is stuffed ... Views: 1208
If staying in touch with family and friends seems to be more trouble than it is worth, this could be a sign that you need better organizational strategies. If you dread the thought of sending out party invitations because you don't have everyone's address close at hand, you're making things much ... Views: 1072
If finding your cleaning supplies is sometimes more challenging than the cleaning tasks themselves, then perhaps it's time to get your supplies better organized. In some cases, finding an organizational strategy that works for your cleaning materials is simply a matter of convenience. However, ... Views: 1342
Due to the popularity of several television shows, the affliction of hording has been gaining more attention. Although hording isn't something that's new, it has recently received more attention and this has raised awareness of this obsessive compulsive behavior. However, just because a person ... Views: 1171
The average person spends a significant amount of time each week in their vehicle. As a result, vehicles have a tendency to become messy, disorganized and dirty. Instead of starting and ending your day with a commute in a messy vehicle, why not take the time to clean and organize your car, truck ... Views: 1048
Getting organization is something that is on almost everyone's "to-do" list. Unfortunately, busy lifestyles, family responsibilities and other commitments can often make it difficult to find the time you need in order to get the job done. If you are having problems finding enough time to develop ... Views: 926
Although the bathroom is often one of the smallest rooms in the house, it can also be one of the busiest rooms. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that the bathroom is also one of the messiest rooms in the house. If bathroom clutter and disorganization is getting you down, perhaps it's time to ... Views: 886
Although you often hear a lot about getting your home, office and yard organized, it's also important to remember that it's hard to get things accomplished when your mind is cluttered and disorganized. In today's busy world, it can sometimes seem as though there just isn't enough time in the day ... Views: 1417
If you take a close look at a truly organized person, you'll immediately see that he or she is actually an expert at making good use of time. Although most of us feel as though we don’t have enough time, the truth is everyone gets exactly twenty-four hours to work with each day. In most cases, ... Views: 887
If you feel as though you never seem to be able to get organized, you might sometimes wonder if you need somebody to give you a bit of help. Professional organizers specialize in helping people take control of their time, belongings and even their lives. If you've ever wondered if a professional ... Views: 1011
In today's challenging economy, most people cannot afford to waste money or resources for any reason. Just as is the case with everything else the average family needs to buy, the cost of food continues to rise. Although food is a basic essential that nobody can do without, there are ways that ... Views: 1304