With continued research for natural and alternative medicine many things in health became possible that wasn't even imaginable some years ago. Yes, you can fight and even reverse bone loss and osteoporosis.
As we get older our bones become more brittle and our muscle strength declines. In ... Views: 1033
Over the last decade many people have taken control of their own health. After some research and educational process, the diet was the first front of attack. Eliminating some of the worst culprits from the diet and replacing them with better food choices is the number one priority. Not having ... Views: 763
This will open a whole new world for anyone who does believe the body to heal, to repair and to bring it back to nature's number one condition. Studies over recent years have shown that simple lifestyle changes such as exercise and diet are the most effective remedies for many common health ... Views: 715
Let's go back to the late sixties and seventies when an obese person was the exception. Some of you may remember breakfast those days consisting of bacon, ham, eggs and sausages.
Then all the sugary breakfast diet cereals came along, bottles of juices with lots of sugar, and the fat-free ... Views: 998
Achieving a manageable weight is everyone’s wish with a weight problem. The question here is: "Why can some do it and others not? One answer: Some are positive thinkers, and some are not!
It is a matter of organizing your mind to organize your weight and health. Of course, there are other ... Views: 1072
Our heart is the most complicated organ of our body. This is another reason it affects so many people's health. A high percentage of heart problems are often man - made or by persons themselves, although in all fairness to the sufferer many times unknowingly. For instance, a perfect healthy ... Views: 847
The quick draw of the pen by many doctors to hand out prescriptions for antibiotics for no reason or with any connection to the illness is finally showing its ugly head. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics has reached the stage of becoming a killer and is no longer a prevention or cure. Because of ... Views: 748
There are stories in everything: Some of them are little ones, some of them are big and important ones; stories of people with great or no success. When we look at stories about detoxification and diets there are some good and some not so good ones.
There is a multitude of studies that shows ... Views: 753
Should we believe it or not? Can fruits, berries, vegetables and certain foods have any effect on our health or even on aging?
If you are one of them asking these questions you are not alone; you may join some million others. With so many health benefits found in natural foods was not ... Views: 1249
The cosmetic market has many products to choose from. The skin care industry is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to products loaded with toxin. Regardless of being a regular user of cosmetics or not, all creams, sun block-lotions, even toothpaste etc. in small amounts over time become a ... Views: 691
To many people pain is not a stranger to them. As the years creep up so does the pain and as the body ages it doesn't manage inflammation very well. Also, the immune system is weak. A strong immune system is providing support for defense against several health issues, and pain is one of them. ... Views: 796
When a health issue comes along the question is: "Which option do we choose?" Sooner or later any of us has to make this decision!
A misconception!
There is a dangerous misconception in people, that when they become sick they need a drug to make them feel better. In some situations, ... Views: 725
This news has been around for some time now that imported extra virgin olive oils are 'fakes'! To confirm this claim scientists went shopping at random in supermarkets and purchased some of the best known expensive imported brands of extra virgin olive oils for testing. After the test's they ... Views: 696
Stand in line: There is this endless queue in front of you and you ask yourself the question 'are they all having the same problem'? Are you having any of these signs or symptoms? The body might need a kick-start by being out of tune, then this is a good reason for you to stay in line.
There ... Views: 647
The trend towards prostate and urinary problems is no longer affecting only elderly men and women. According to statistics 75% of men over the age of 50 are suffering from an enlarged prostate; this can start at the early forties or even sooner. Urinary discomfort also affects women especially ... Views: 775
As researchers continue and are digging deeper about the benefits of vitamin D for our health in general it has become obvious that there is more ongoing research necessary to find all the benefits of this product provided by Mother - Nature. Vitamin D deficiency is not only linked to normal ... Views: 738
Top scientists warning if people do not dramatically improve their lifestyles Alzheimer's will soon become a massive out of control health drain on our society. A new study has found that people who never exercise are much more likely to get this disease. The warning that some of our sedentary ... Views: 686
This epidemic started many years ago and will continue its momentum unless we change the way we work, eat, and alter our lifestyle or face the same consequences. Some health organizations believe in government-legislation and campaign to make people aware of this disease. That means more tax ... Views: 1113
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the western world, and modern medicine is powerless against it.
What are the options? Are there any other ways than taking painkiller drugs, having lifetime disability or taking risks of joint replacement surgery?
The healing power of ... Views: 1074
Pain and danger often come together; are we aware of the consequences?
Our first thought is of some sort of painkiller to get relief when pain becomes unbearable. Arthritis, as every sufferer knows is a stubborn painful disease; it is important to attack it on every level it exists on. We ... Views: 1160
It's been estimated eight out of ten people have a digestive issue and in many cases effecting women even worse than men. This indicates that digestive issues and food intolerance are on the rise. The most common symptoms are bloating, diarrhea, cramping and gas. And where does it come from, or ... Views: 598
Is there a health care system? What type of health care system is there?
If there is a government health care system it would have many floors, maybe more floors than the Titanic and the Hindenburg combined. There are always limits in such systems and they only cover a small amount of medical ... Views: 663
There are many types of arthritis. The three basic types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, and the most commonly one rheumatoid arthritis. Any type of arthritis can affect our body in a different way. The difficulty here is: When it comes to treating any discomfort, or ... Views: 1051
Arthritis often brings along many other illness not just joint pain, swelling and discomfort. The body slows down as arthritis takes hold, joints become swollen and painful at the same time, and movements are becoming more difficult. There for less exercise means weight gain, and the decline in ... Views: 742
It has been found for some time now doctors have no answers and little relief to offer to people who suffer from this painful, unpleasant and deadly disease. Over the counter pain relievers as well as prescription medication have all been linked to various dangerous side effects. Such side ... Views: 1037
Some bugs we can't escape from!
According to many researched scientific information, it is a way of cleansing your body of toxic wastes and bugs of which we become exposed to every day.
Just to look at some, there are environmental pollutants, pesticides, non-evacuated metabolic bodily ... Views: 633
We have heard it all before: our diet has the greatest effect on our health. Such claims are no longer based on theory; these claims being based on scientific facts. Why are so many reluctant to accept this? There are many people frightened to take on the challenge of change, not aware of the ... Views: 941
Over half a century ago government regulations in most western countries started to manipulate our natural drinking water. At least this is what the opposing group is saying to fluoride in our community water. Listening to both sides of the argument one has to wonder: Who is right and who is ... Views: 703
Do we sit around and wait until cancer or illness knocks on the door and deal with it than, or do we prevent it happening in the first place? From the medical site, there's always talk how to cure cancer and illness once you have it. Seldom is there talk how to prevent it. Is the medical ... Views: 647
Facts and figures!
Documented evidence shows there is nothing in the natural environment that causes diseases, illness, or even cancer.
Studies and tests made of ancient bodies have revealed that cancer and certain diseases were not found many hundred years ago.
Tumors back than were ... Views: 648
Dying off in alarming numbers!
For most of us it would have gone unnoticed; although it is fact since the late 1980 honeybees are dying off in alarming numbers. Unless we hear it on the news or read it somewhere in the newspapers, how would we know? After all it is only a humble little bee of ... Views: 677
The benefits of eating healthy cannot be overemphasized.
Many have ignored the benefit of healthy nutrition and have continued to put unhealthy foods into their stomachs. Experts have shown that those who eat what is known as a healthy diet are more successful in life and live therefore ... Views: 716
It would be impossible to guess how many cell phones are out there, operating 24/7 year in year out.
A similar question also applies to the microwave oven almost present in every household around the globe.
The million-dollar question is: Are these gadgets any risk to our health?
Claims ... Views: 894
Popping a daily vitamin pill has become a regular procedure in some people's lives just as having a shower first thing in the morning.
Big business!
The supplement and vitamin industry has become big business over the years with huge varieties to select from. We should consider the word ... Views: 791
Which correct information can teach you to regain your health?
Are you one of the tens of thousands or even millions who suffer every day from symptoms such as low energy, feeling sluggish, muscle pain or joint discomfort?
Are you one of the millions of people who set priorities in the ... Views: 642
There's a story in everything. Important ones and informative ones, and this is an informative one.
Milk chocolate, brown chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate - what is the difference?
Chocolate is healthy, but when we say chocolate we mean the real stuff, not the brown ... Views: 711
Until some time ago very little was known about the benefits of vitamin D and its implications for health in general.
Sunscreen Cream Is Not Your Protector!
Sunshine causes your skin to produce vitamin D. In fact, ironically, this means sunscreen companies may have prevented people from ... Views: 642
Do we ever think about our skin? It is the largest organ of our body.
Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxic chemicals, poisons, sprays, plastics, processed food, stress and there for we are becoming unhealthy.
We Eat With Our Skin
The skin absorbs and eats whatever we put on it. ... Views: 684
Who else wants to discover how to shop for food items? We are lead blind folded around in stores! Reading food labels, the print is so small you need more than just reading glasses. Only one look at the fine print and most people give up. Labels are also not transparent enough to get the full ... Views: 747
Our health is often surrounded by a number of things, and superstition could be one of them.
Decision making of any kind becomes a daunting situation. Making any decision about health is the most responsible and crucial one we may have to face in our lifetime.
Controversy and knowing the ... Views: 842
More and more people becoming aware of the benefits from natural alternative therapies. Natural alternative medicines are now receiving a lot of support for natural health. In contrast, conventional medicine is receiving many bad news reports such as deadly side effects, wrongly prescribed ... Views: 846
Our life's priorities are whatever we spend time on, whether we like them or not.
Let's say you spend long hours working a day in a job. Although you might not like it, this is still a priority because you need that job.
On the other hand you may consider things you like doing, fishing, ... Views: 794
With all due respect there is no better than conventional medicine when it comes to emergency, surgery and trauma. For everything else, alternative or natural medicine is far more effective - particularly for chronic illness which conventional medicine is completely unable to treat or ... Views: 823
Welcome to the world of plastic fantastic!
The truth about plastic - and the chances are it's not what you think it is.
Most of us wouldn't have given it much thought, after all plastic in many applications is convenient and practical to use.
Are we really aware of all the plastic around ... Views: 705
It is unlikely cancer ever being cured with any great success rates through pharmaceutical treatments. Although there are cancer treatments the alternative way through nutrition, vitamins, minerals, diet and lifestyle changes, with a far higher success rate than with pharmaceutical treatment.
A ... Views: 855
Health is in fact like a game, but far more dangerous than playing Monopoly. When growing up in our younger days most of us played the odd game of Monopoly. There is some talent required to win, and you had to make wise choices by investing in various utilities as the game went along. The ... Views: 1094
Most people underestimate the power of vitamins. It can give us incredible changes to our health and even bring us back to a normal daily life. To convince us of the power of nature and confirming this in our mind, it is necessary to go back to a true life story.
Is it possible to keep a ... Views: 702
Reports from health organizations around the world have released data that obesity is becoming a huge problem around the globe. There is strong evidence. It is a world-wide issue and concern, that obesity is a far greater problem around the globe, than is under-nourishment.
Obesity is no ... Views: 742
What is in our food?
You will never know unless you are a shopping detective and become an avid reader of the small print on food labels. The fact is our health depends on it, this is what most people will never know. Don't make the mistake others made; processed food is the major cause of ... Views: 841
We underestimate how important and crucial our diet actually is, not only to our personal health but also to the ones not born as yet. Research has revealed that the diet of parents influences gens from one generation to the next.
What Women eat during Pregnancy can have an effect on the Baby ... Views: 674