A wise man once said that a problem faced in the workplace is nothing more than an opportunity disguised in work clothing.
This is a good thing to remember when faced with a complex issue that has no immediate answer. Some people are naturals at solving problems, other have to study to gain ... Views: 2271
Psych 101 tells you that much of our every day life can be explained by the basic processes of 'Learning', which is: things we know and are able to do that are beyond and above our innate basic abilities.
Every relationship and marriage includes the 'joining together' of two people's ... Views: 2058
Problems exist in all relationships. Not even the strongest relationships between individuals with who are very understanding of each other are free from it. A relationship may have problems as soon as it has started, or may develop slowly over time. Initially, some of these problems may start ... Views: 1885
Your better-half can make or break your life; and vice verse is as true...
Some people believe that marriages decision and marital circumstances are made in heaven… others believe it's our own creation. So what is the formula for staying
happy in married life?
Value Your Partner's ... Views: 2049
Infidelity is one of the most heart-wrenching problems a marriage can face because it shakes the base of trust on which relationships are built. However, it is not inevitable that all couples divorce after such an event. It is natural that couples have a hard time to re-connect and re-build ... Views: 2013
Think about any parent that you know, including yourself, if it applies... You will most likely agry that when Jane and Mark brought home their precious newborn daughter from the hospital, they couldn’t have been happier.
However, as the days wore on, they found themselves feeling isolated ... Views: 1998
Perhaps you are at a crossroads, need to make decisions or move forward?
Maybe you’re not sure about the next step or are just stuck in a rut?
Being a Psychologist and many time practicing as a life coach I often start by guiding you in identifying your skills, values, and desires. Then, ... Views: 2350
Like John and Diana, all couples experience communication problems at one time or another. However, couples can move beyond arguing by developing their communication skills.
My experience shows that a Relationship Advice process is very powerful for providing several successful strategies ... Views: 1890
It is important to learn how to respect your partner’s different emotional needs. Learning this skill during the process of Relationship Advice or Marriage Counseling can help your relationship with your partner grow stronger. More theoretical background on these processes are outlined in online ... Views: 2295
Can a marital separation save a marriage? Usually my opinion is: it depends…
Whether the separation will help or hurt the marriage is unknown, unless you know the couple, have listened to them and assessed their mental state. Needless to say, a professional marriage counselor should ... Views: 8183
The Six Steps of ‘Save Your Relationship’ Marriage Counseling Guide
Six steps of my Marriage Counseling processes are reviewed; the various qualities of being a marriage counselor, a psychologist, a life coach and a relationship advice provider are outlined.
Step # 1: I ask to speak loud ... Views: 2518
What Do We Know (so far) about Human Behavior? What Does it Tell Us About Potential Impact To Transform and Better Uorselves?
Here are some basic facts and agreed upon assumptions that have a valuable impact regarding counseling and therapy:
1. Human beings are biological creatures – our ... Views: 1146
Can a Marriage Counselor help a couple get through and overcome such an upsetting event as Infidelity?
In most cases yes, but there are two ‘but’:
first, the underlying causes and the unhealthy aspects of the relationship need to be addressed. Second, in the course of working through the ... Views: 3005
There is no ‘cook-book’ Relationship Advice solution for an unhealthy abusive relationship. Being involved in a relationship that has reached the point where it’s a constant cycle of abuse is not healthy for either partner and unfortunately there is no ‘quick-fix’ for this type of situation. ... Views: 1699
A recent study by Salary.com, Inc determined that a stay at home mom’s salary would be (If they were paid compared to current professional salaries) $134,121 annually. L. contacted me for an Online Counseling relief and advice session. She had reached a point in her relationship with her husband ... Views: 1263
Sometimes when a couple enters into a new stage of their relationship it can become very difficult to maintain an open and healthy line of communication. Through every phase of any relationship the ability to communicate is essential. Sometimes as the relationship grows and moves forward into ... Views: 6706
“My husband had been physically and emotionally abusive since even before we married. I think I became addicted to the drama of it.”
These were the first words that K. told me during our initial Online Counseling session. “At night when our children sleep I would feel trapped unable to leave ... Views: 1711
As a Psychologist an understanding of behavior and providing Relationship Advice is what allows me to help people work through their troubles. Helping people to adjust their behaviors and better their relationships is one of life’s greatest rewards. It can be just the smallest thing or even just ... Views: 1581
Sometimes people just don’t like the Psychologist advice they’re given. And indeed, sometimes it is better to be your own Psychologist, or Life Coach.
This was the case recently with M., a 31 year old professional saleswoman who had a small high end sheep leather coats import company. M. had ... Views: 1102
What is Online Counseling?
It is the process of interacting with a professional online in ongoing conversations over time when the client and the online psychologist / counselor / consultant are in separate locations and utilize the phone or e-mails or internet video-conferencing technology to ... Views: 1237
Leadership at home: this is about you and your children, not your politicians
There are tough times in our family due to tension between us, the parents, and our two teen aged kids. They are less and less obeying the house rules. How can we maintain their discipline?
We can ... Views: 1020
Leadership at home: this is about you and your children, not your politicians.
There are tough times in our family due to tension between us, the parents, and our two teen aged kids. They are less and less obeying the house rules. How can we maintain their discipline?
We can ... Views: 1203
We have some rough time at my workplace, due to hostile competitors. Our boss is frequently demanding: ‘Be more creative. Think differently’.
Can you clarify what it is all about?
Let me first explain the terms that are being used by your boss:
The ‘regular’ way of thinking ... Views: 1052
Leadership at home: this is about your children, not your politicians
Dr. Joseph Abraham
There are tough times in our family due to tension between us, the parents, and our two teen aged kids. They are less and less obeying the house rules. How can we maintain their ... Views: 2473
Here is a question / dilema of a young married professional:
I just started a new job; I gave my number to two male classmates in a training course.
When they called, my husband became furious and very angry. Later he went through the phone bill and found out I called them. He said I'm a liar ... Views: 1123
We have some rough time at my workplace, due to hostile competitors. Our boss is frequently demanding: ‘Be more creative. Think differently’.
Can you clarify what it is all about?
Let me first explain the terms that are being used by your boss:
The ‘regular’ way of thinking ... Views: 1119
About Things That Need To Be Changed
There are tough times in our family due our two teen aged kids. They are not obeying the house rules. How can we maintain their discipline?
We can miss very quickly the point once we concentrate on the issue of obedience and discipline. ... Views: 1142
Leadership at home: this is about your children, not your politicians
There are tough times in our family due to tension between us, the parents, and our two teen aged kids. They are less and less obeying the house rules. How can we maintain their discipline?
We can miss ... Views: 974
What is Online Counseling? Online consulting?
It is the process of interacting with a professional online in ongoing conversations over time when the client and the online psychologist / counselor / consultant are in separate locations and utilize the phone or e-mails or internet ... Views: 1149
What is Online Counseling ?
It is the process of interacting with a professional online in ongoing conversations over time when the client and the online psychologist / counselor / consultant are in separate locations and utilize the phone or e-mails or internet video-conferencing technology ... Views: 1101