What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen, painful veins in the lower part of the anal canal. Veins can swell inside the anal canal to form internal hemorrhoids. Or they can swell near the opening of the anus to form hemorrhoids externally. It is possible to have both types at the same ... Views: 1124
Having suffered from hip pain myself, I know how frustrating and painful it can be, but did you know that your diagnosis might be incorrect and that it may be possible for you to heal yourself? Chronic hip pain is typically diagnosed as one of three possible syndromes: bursitis, tendonalgia ... Views: 9678
Your ability to be successful and happy in life is directly related to your ability to control your own thinking. Research has shown that typically we have over 60,000 thoughts per day. Our thoughts define who we are and even create our lives as we go. There is nothing that you do in life that ... Views: 1083
There is one primary reason to stay completely away from alcoholic beverages of any sort. Alcohol is incredibly dehydrating. The human body requires a high level of hydration to operate properly. Estimates on the percentage of water in the human body runs from 60% up to around 75%. Most ... Views: 1215
Terrible things happen every second on this planet. People and animals are harmed, or even killed. Plants are going extinct. Property is destroyed. Natural disasters wreak havoc. People lose their loved ones, become permanently disabled, or become homeless. The list of dreadful things that can ... Views: 6559
There are many risks associated with any sort of surgery, including back surgery for pain. Doctors often either give a cursory explanation of these risks, or dismiss them completely simply because you have not asked. It is your responsibility as a patient to understand and know everything you ... Views: 1057
Low back pain is an epidemic in the U.S. and more than 80% of people worldwide will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives. Widespread suffering from back pain is a new phenomenon; never before in history has there been mention of millions of people suffering from the same pain ... Views: 2997
There are many causes of buttocks or butt pain, depending on the location in your body.
Pain in the Buttock/Butt muscle - Do you have pain in the big muscle of your butt while sitting, standing, walking, or during sex or other physical exercise? If you push on the center of your butt muscle ... Views: 17659
Understanding the body on a deep level is required to cure yourself of any disorder, including sciatica pain. Your body is built on two core principles of science, the first being chemical: you are constructed of chemical compounds and operated by chemical interactions. The second is electrical. ... Views: 1702