Do you recognize how potent your thoughts really are? Are you fully conscious that these thoughts, all 50,000 per day, are singularly the strongest influences on everything that materializes in your lifetime and are the reason you have attracted the people you know, the home you live in and the ... Views: 927
Deep Spiritual Understanding Through Meditation
The quest for deep spiritual understanding in who we are and why we are here has never demanded so much attention until now. We are living in times of immense change. Change so great, it would take our mind just beyond the limit of our current ... Views: 965
For years, I have been absolutely fascinated with the power of the subconscious mind. It’s power have made the sick healthy, the poor wealthy, and the sad happy. Those who understand and apply the methods for using the subconscious mind find themselves bathed in more abundance and joy than they ... Views: 8877
The Universal Law of Attraction could be the most powerful personal-development tool known to man. It has changed many lives, and continues to enlighten and inspire us to have, be, and do more for others and ourselves. The understanding that there are unlimited possibilities for each and every ... Views: 875